ReEsE's AuToBiOgRaPhY
Full name: Reese Raymond Petersen

Birthdate: March 28th 1986

Favorite Past Time: Playing with myself...I mean my guitar

Inspiration(s): Blink 182, Sum 41, Creed

Quote: "9 out of 10 men with mullets would rather beat their wife than listen to Last Place"
      Reese Petersen is a hott guy. All the girls love him and want to be with him. They call him "Dr. Love" because his lovin' can cure any illness. Unfortunatly, none of that is true. Actually, he is a large hairy man with a mullet and stands around the elementary school looking at little kids. Once again, thats's a lie, well, at least the mullet part is. Anyways, back to reality. It all started as me being a child with a mullet (honestly this is true). He swore to his mom that he would NEVER listen to music when he was older because he was the world's biggest "mama's boy", and also he thought the music was violent (HA! He thought Nirvana and Vanilla Ice were violent...look at what we have these days, does Arson ring a bell?) Well, turns out that promise was a crock of shit. Not only is he listenin to music, he's playing it too! He's been called a prodigy at the electric guitar because of his ability to learn so much, so fast. Through all of the sweat, discouraging events, and literally up to 5 hours of practicing per night, he has become the lead guitarist of Last Place. He and the other 3 members are extremely dedicated to the band, putting in endless hours of practicing to make every last note sound right.
       Girls tend to want Reese's hott, muscular, ripped, extremely white, flabby, skinny body. He gets many sexual offers, but turns them down because he is waiting for the right girl (no, that's not true, I'll take oral from any girl willing.) Yep, that's right girls (and children under the age of 7) he's single and looking!!!! He may not be hung like a horse, but he can get the job done right (with the use of many Viagra pills, several Playboys, and hours of persuasion). Reese is 15 and is infatuated with midgets and mullets, or better yet,. midgets with mullets. And really wants sex.

For anyone willing to give Reese sex, please write an email to:
Your offers will be graciously accepted.