You're probably wondering..."What the hell is this 'Pee on your city hall' campaign thing. Well, we'll tell you. The name explains it all. We're out to pee on your city hall! Well, not quite all of us, actually the founding father of all of this campaign is none other than the lord of the ladies, our bass player, CARL WOODS! Thats right kids, he's out to wizz on your city hall. It all started in a little town called Swisher, IA. It was Thanksgiving, and Pete and Carl were at their relatives house, and you all know how boring that is. Anyways, back to the story, they thought that the best way they could give "thanks" to that boring little town of their relatives was to urinate on the city hall. Don't ask me why, I'm just a poor civilian who is reporting this stuff to you. Carl and Pete took a little trip to the city hall. Carl then proceeded to drop his drawers and take a leak on the side of the building, while Pete spectated in awe (not really, he's not that desperate, but not according to my dog.) Nevertheless Carl had a blast, and let loose on the building, leaving his "thanks" behind. How precious. To this day when Carl enters a new town, his eyes are set on the city hall......which town's city hall will be the next victim? I'm not sure, but the man is on the "America's Most Wanted" list under the name "The Wizz Kid". He's heavy armed (trust me) and very dangerous. He will be on your city hall and before the cops come the urine will have soaked in and be left behind. The following list is the list of all the city halls that he's urinated on. Believe me the list will grow and grow when we go on tour and visit new cities.


      'Twas a cold New Years Eve night. The band was all together, pondering on what to do next, after an hour of jumping in carts of balls, running with Zebra skin thongs on, and being loud to get all of the attention at Wal*Mart. Then it struck us! Carl could continue his campaign and seek his next victim......drum roll please............CLINTON,IA!!! Carl had a full bladder and later emptied at on the Clinton, IA town hall at approximately 10:15 P.M. Over-all it was a successful urination. We're proud of you Carl, keep up the good, hard work!!!
"Hey I pee'd on your town hall!"
1. Swisher, IA
2. Clinton, IA