Operation Overlord

The Allied Invasion of Normandy    
The Allied invasion of occupied France began on 6th June 1944 (D-Day). The allies were led by the American general, Eisenhower. It was an incredibly well organised event with over 156,000 men being landed in France on the first day. Air support and attention to detail with supplies was all very well planned. There was to be no chance of failure. Supplies of fuel were kept up with PLUTO, 'Pipeline Under The Ocean' and floating harbours, called Mulberries were used to ensure a free movement of tanks, soldiers and supplies.

There was some tension between the American soldiers and the British as General Montgomery was more cautious before advancing. Some people have argued that this was due to the longer time that this country had been at war, others have said Montgomery was upset with Eisenhower having overall control.

   The landings on the Normandy beaches were split between the Americans on Utah and Omaha, whilst the British and Canadians took Juno, Gold and Sword. The resistance offered varied from very light indeed to extremely heavy. The Speilberg film 'Saving Private Ryan' (a 15 certificate) has been praised for its realism by many of the veterans from the campaign.

It is worth noting that Stalin, the Russian leader was far from happy at the delays in undertaking the invasion. He claimed the losses in the Russian campaign were far greater than they needed to be as a consequence.