The Submarine Puzzle Solved
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Your site for Riven hints, Submarine puzzle walk through, Sub puzzle cheats, help and solution.  You may read as much or as little as you wish --- from gentle hints to complete spoiler!!
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Please note that this site assumes you have already lowered the submarine into the water from the cliff, and does not cover that part
To solve the submarine puzzle, there are a few things you must know first.  I could have simply given you the moves, but it could lead to problems for you in solving other puzzles.  Keep in mind that, if you simply go through the steps listed here, you will have completed the submarine puzzle.  However, if you have not finished *and understand* everything you can get to with the sub, you will be greatly disadvantaged in solving other puzzles elsewhere in Riven.  Where you feel you need them, I will give you the option of going to other pages for hints or even spoilers.  Before using these links, though, try to solve them for yourself.  The map I've given you is not to scale, but is an accurate depiction of the layout of the submarine route and the turnouts you can use (see the "Layout" page for map...from "Solution Steps page).   

Finally, if you are having trouble with the submarine controls, you can go
here for help with them. (From there, you will be returned to the "Solution Steps" page).  OK, now down to business!!
Go On To The Steps!!
Please note that this site covers only the submarine puzzle. For full coverage of Myst, Riven and other games, as well as hints, spoilers, cheats, walkthroughs, computer help and MORE, I strongly suggest you visit Katydid's Riven Help site. It is, by far, the most complete and comprehensive site of it's kind on the web!! 
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Now!! Riven images (this page will be continually updated as I get more pics)
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