Why Klingon?

Throughout the years, STAR TREK has grown in popularity. Ever since the first episode of Star Trek, The Original Series (TOS) through Star Trek, the movies and Star Trek, The Next Generation (TNG) up through and including Star Trek, Deep Space Nine (DS9) and Star Trek, Voyager, the acceptance of Star Trek as a whole has grown in leaps and bounds. It spans all ages, all racial cultures and even nationalities. Star Trek is watched the world over whether it be in syndication, movies or video.


During this growth of notoriety, groups and organization have come to pass. Some of these groups are fan clubs of specific stars of Star Trek, while others have developed into fandom organizations based on Star Trek’s Federation. The Federation, a league of worlds with the goal to develop cooperation and unity in the universe and the diversified races it encounters. There have also been those organizations that have been based on the concepts of Starfleet, Star Trek’s exploration and military branch, that their structure is based on a rank promotion system utilizing participation of it’s members with club activities. There are even others groups based on different races and cultures found within the universe of Star Trek. Klingons are one of these races.

With all the diversity of the Star Trek universe, why consider Klingons? In the TOS, the Klingons were portrayed as an adversary. It was said by some that Starfleet represented the United States and the Klingons were the USSR and that TOS represented an analogy of this struggle between the super powers of the time. With the rebirth of the Star Trek movies and TNG, Klingons took on a much different view. During the time difference between TOS and TNG, the Klingons had developed an alliance with the Federation. It is later learned that the treaty was due to an industrial accident on the moon, Praxis. This caused the Klingons to be forced into this alliance for the survival of their race. Because of the Khitomer Accords, the Klingons had developed into an uneasy ally. So the Klingons were not the enemy anymore, at least for the time being. As TNG matured, the mysticism of the Klingons became more noticeable because of the character known as Worf, played by Michael Dorn. As the character developed, Klingon philosophy was learned from his standpoint. Through this growth, the concepts of Klingons became more known. The Klingon race, being based on a warrior society, whose concepts are based on dedication to duty and strife for honor. Klingons would prefer to die in battle, a glorious death, for family and empire. This is closely related to the concepts of the Samurai. Much like the westerners depicted the Samurai as barbaric savages and visa versa, so does Starfleet depict the Klingons as a savage race? Ignorance in concepts and beliefs cloud the true nature of a race.

Still, why consider the Klingons? Those involved with Star Trek fandom can belong to the Federation and Starfleet to enjoy the concepts of these groups. Those who choose to be Klingons consider the ideas of duty and honor to be good virtues. They take these notions and enjoy life for now! They utilize duty to help others, as many Klingon fandom organizations assist with charitable events. Many Federation and Starfleet groups also perform this function, but it is the Klingons who are highly visible and usually command the attention at these events. Many times, friendly rivalries are used by both, Klingon and Starfleet, to promote and event. From an "Honor" thought, many view it as a method to keep alive the idea that seems to get lost in the present day’s discord for ambition and power. These ideologies are used by many to express camaraderie with others and be united in a common bond.

Being Klingon is unique! Anyone can put on a costume but to become a Klingon requires much more creative talent and ingenuity. Being Klingon is not just the uniform or makeup but the attitude to be honorable in one’s deeds and perform one’s duty to bring honor upon their organization, chapter and last but not least, themselves. It is having fun being something not of this world and having a great time doing it. To be Klingon is not determined by size, gender or age, it is the spirit of being different and unusual in the everyday world and carry on the concepts that Star Trek have portrayed. After all, a future like Star Trek is much more appealing than that of a holocaust.


(Klingon + Fandom)

What is "Klindom"? What are "Klingon" and "Fandom"? Klingon is the alien warrior race from Star Trek. Fandom is the good-fellowship of individuals who enjoy the concepts, characteristics and views of a specific topic or topics. The combination of Klingon and Fandom is "Klindom". A dear friend, Sue Frank also known as Adm. Kishin zantai-Rustadz, created this acronym that has become unique.

Klingons in general have gained lots more notoriety over the past years. Most episodes or movies that have a Klingon connection seem to draw more attention because of the alien cultural aspects of the warrior race. It has touched on a whole new breed of fandom that has utilized their talents to portray this unique Star Trek race.


Out of Klindom, many talented individuals have written stories about Klingons. Many ceremonies and rituals have been developing to add more to the Klingon mystic. Drawings and images have been created which add to the visual appearance. Even forms of music and plays have been developed to represent the idea of a Klingon Opera. A Klingon CD game has been developed to allow the player to experience a first person view in the life of a Klingon. It utilizes something that no other race in Star Trek history has fully ever had before; it’s own specialized language.

The Klingon language has grown in popularity because of the unique difference in it, from other languages. In Klindom, it has even help span previous language barriers with other countries. A member of Klindom in the US can converse with a member of Klindom in the world without having learned that individual’s native tongue. Simply by conversing in Klingon.

With developments in makeup, it is easier for an individual to alter his or her appearance and take on the look of a Klingon warrior. Also the design and development of costumes have aided in the metamorphism to Klingon. Each article or accessory has been created to accent the overall appearance. Only those not familiar with Star Trek, would not recognize a Klingon warrior when they walked into a room.

Out of this specialized fandom, groups and organizations have developed. These organizations give an individual the opportunity to share their ideas about Klingons and blend with others to develop other aspect of the Klingon culture that has not been seen in the episodes or movies. The creative talents of Klindom have introduced a variety of different formats to add to the Klingon mysticism. Each group shares the common bond of Klingons but have their own unique method of sharing these thoughts. No one group is right or wrong and many of the groups share this association when brought together at events. In most cases, the differences between them are due to personal bias and nothing more.

Through these groups of Klindom, many charitable organizations have been helped and many a movie patron has had a special memory added to their movie premiere. True, there are those who believe we are a bunch of weirdo's that live, breath and sleep Star Trek but how are we any different from a sports fan who dresses out in the colors of his or her favorite team and act a bit crazy at sporting events. We each have likes and dislikes and it is these differences that make us all unique.

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Updated 3/6/08