All About My Church



My family and I attend the Church of the Nazarene. Every Thursday night we have a night for all the kids in the church. We call it Kid's Club (great name, eh?!). At Kid's Club we do crafts, sing songs, and sometimes go on field trips. We go all sorts of places:


We sometimes have gym nights, where we play in a gym or in a park. It's lots of fun.


On Sunday mornings, at church, I attend Sunday School. Sometimes I help out in the nursery. When we started attending our church, there were only about twenty-five people there; now we have close to one hundred members.


The most important thing about church is worshipping Jesus. On 27 July 1998, while attending Pioneer Club at my Aunt Sheila's church, I became a Christian. It was easy: I told God that I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart and wash away all my sins. And he did! It was very exciting to become a Christian.

I try to read my Bible often (every day!) and I pray every day. We have a special Bible study time before school each day.

Are you interested in becoming a Christian? If you are, it's as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Confess your sins to God;
  2. Profess that Jesus died on the cross for our sins;
  3. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and wash away your sins.

CONGRATULATIONS--You're now a Christian! Believe me, it's the smartest thing you'll ever do!


If you have just become a Christian,or would like to hear more about Jesus, I'd love to hear from you. Send an email to