The Newspaper that publishes articles that nobody else can be bothered to.
January 2003
Flexagon terror
Our ace reporter Stew Pead explores the news cult that is destroying the youth, mathematics.
May Kay Tupp warns of financial trickery in her new horoscopes column.
In other news
New Labour minister is a pink spotted elephant says drugged up hippy.
Coackroach unemployment problem reaches a new peak.
New high tech thieves steal your stomach through the internet.
Teleportation soon to be possible on mass scale
The Snow Review
Heart origami causes disgust among tabloid newspapersfor not being relistic enough
Names written in katikana cause controversy.
Opinion and comments
Why tabloids are stupid.
Why librals are idiots.
What I'm outraged about.
The Government is crap.
New babyfood trend hits Britain
Jean Ayas reports on a new trend in cooking that has appeared since documentary on Chinese art was shown in Britain.
An explanation into the infamous three door problem
Should I change?
Impossible politics shines through
C. Lee meets Cliva Dea an MP with a radical new plan to cut taxes.
Contoversy over katikana controversy. Was it controversial enough to cause so much controversy?