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by Nicole P

I remember my gran talking about her grandma and because she got pregnant in her 20s out of wedlock *this was changed coz I put down the wrong info* and she was that desperate so she used a coat hanger to abort her baby. I can't imagine that. It must have hurt so bad. She regretted until the day she died. Abortion has been a part of life for centuries. Primitive tribal aborted by using poisonous herbs, sharp sticks, or by sheer pressure on the abdomen until vaginal bleeding occurred. Abortion techniques are described in the oldest known medical texts.

Pro choice or Pro Life or what?

Some people are pro choice. That means it's up to herself to decide to have an abortion or not. They says that "If abortion is outlawed women will be forced to go to back-alley abortion clinics or do it themselves." Some people are Pro Life 100% against it. They say "It's murder of an innocent baby". Some people says it depends on the situation. For example if they got raped or the baby was handicapped.

What is Abortion?

Abortion is a way to end pregnancy. This is called induced abortion. There are two ways it can be done - surgical and medical.

Medical abortion
What is medical abortion?
Medical abortion is a way to end pregnancy without surgery.

How does medical abortion work?
They are 3 steps that are followed:
1. The doctor will will inject the pregnant woman/girl with methotrexate or give the pregnant woman/girl a dose of mifepristone in the form of a tablet. Methotrexate - stops the pregnancy in the uterus. Mifepristone - stops the hormone progesterone reaching the uterus, making the lining of the uterus breaks down, ending the pregnancy.
2. The doctor will give the pregnant woman/girl Misoprostol. Misoprostol makes the uterus contract and empty
3. The pregnant woman/girl must see their doctor because he needs to make sure the abortion is complete. They will need an ultrasound or/and blood test.

How long does it take?
With methotrexate the whole process can take up to 14 days With Mifepristone the whole process can take about a week

What are the after effect of medical abortion?
For most women, medical abortion is like an early miscarriage. They might feel strong cramps, feel nauseous or even vomit, They might have diarrhea and feel temporary abdominal pain. Painkillers such as ibuprofen can relief some of the pain.

When can these medical abortion be done
? If the pregnant woman/girl meets the 2 conditions they can have the medical abortion, if not they must have the surgical abortion. The conditions are that they're under 63 days pregnant and they agree to have surgical abortion if the medical abortion doesn't work.

What is surgical abortion?
Surgical abortion is a way to end pregnancy surgical

How does it work?
The 3 most common form of surgical abortion are manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), dilation and suction curettage (D&C)and dilation and evacuation (D&E also called partial-birth) . MVA is done with a manual syringe that empties the uterus with suction. D&C is similar to MVA but it the suction is gently done by a machine and A curette (narrow metal loop) might be used to clean the walls of the uterus. D&E is in 2 parts. First the cervix is opened, slowly . Guided by an ultrasound, the doctor reaches into the uterus, grabs the leg of the unborn baby with forceps, and pulls the baby into the birth canal, except for the head, which is deliberately kept just inside the womb. (At this point in a partial-birth abortion, the baby is still aware.) Then the abortionist jams scissors into the back of the baby's skull and spreads the tips of the scissors apart to enlarge the wound. After removing the scissors, a suction catheter is inserted into the skull and the baby's brains are sucked out. The collapsed head is then removed from the uterus. The procedure is completed with medical instruments, suction, and curettage.

How long does it take?
MVA and D&C take about 10 minutes. D&E, between 10 -20 minutes.

When can these surgical abortion be done?
MVA can be done as soon as the pregnancy is known up to 10 weeks after the last period they have had. D&C is performed from six to 14 weeks after theur last period they have had. D&E is performed after 24 weeks of pregnancy, D&E are usually performed only for serious health reasons.

How does it feel?
Most women feel pains similar to period cramps. For others, abortion is more uncomfortable. A local painkiller is normally used. Quite a lot clinics use a local painkiller that allows the pregnant woman to be awake but totally relaxed. Others offer general anesthesia so she can sleep right through the procedure. However general anesthesia increases the medical risks and how long she must remain at the clinic. Abortion with local anesthetic after 24 weeks of pregnancy is about as painful as giving birth.

What are the after effect of surgical abortion?
The pregnant woman may have cramps. She may bleed off and on for a couple of weeks. Don't use tampons, use sanitary pads.

How do most women feel emotionally after an abortion?
Quite a lot of women feel relief but the sudden inbalance of hormones can change that after abortion. It can make her feel anger, regret, guilt, or sadness for a little while. Serious, long-term emotional problems after abortion are extremely rare and less common than they are after childbirth. They can be because the pregnancy was wanted but the fetus was handicapped or the woman was jeopardized by the fetus or she already was depressed when she got pregnant and it just made things worse for her.

Most common reasons for abortion
Not ready to be a mom.
Can't afford a babt right now.
Don't want to be a single parent.
Don't want anyone to know she's pregnant.
Far too young to have a baby.
Don't want another child.
Their partner or husband or parent(s) don't want her too.
The baby is handicapped.
Sexual assaulted or victim or incest.

Are there other options?
Adoption is the other option if she doesn't want the baby but she doesn't want to have an abortion. Some weird facts about abortion "Abortion is legal in US until the day of birth! Many people do not know this. If you tell them, they refuse to believe it. Yet, the fact remains that a woman can legally abort her baby at any time during her pregnancy. The only thing that changes is the method and the cost." because a baby of 20 weeks can survive outside the womb. Amy Charlton survived three abortion attempts by her mother. Abortion is a personal thing and there's no doubt that an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy can cause intense stress but get the facts or your options before you set your heart on it. Studies have shown that most women who aborted regret their decision. THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU RUSH IN


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