Across the Anime world, we all know there are some characters who look alike...sometimes that resemblence is quite striking. It has also been the source of not a few crossovers as people ask themselves...

Are They Related??!!

Across Different Series:

Hiei and Vegita

Kurama and Mikagami

Tasuki and Rubius

Kenshin and Lina Inverse

Wufei and Mousse

 Girl-type Ranma and Sherra

Ranma and Tamahome

Sherra and Renhou

Nuriko and Duo

Misao and Hikaru

Gourry and Nakago

Omi and Chiriko

Dryden and Youji

Recca and Keiichi

Yanagi and Yukina

Yakumo and Ryouga

Akane and Amelia

Ukyou and Makoto

Lina and Parfait

Ranma-chan and A-ko

Kasumi and Sylphiel


Within One Serial:

Okita and Soujirou

Gourry and Filia

Xellos and Sylphiel