Kitchen Wolf's minis page
Last Update  19 APR 2004
This exercise in mediocrity is made possible through the efforts of people who really should know better.  I put my sculpts and stuff here so that my associates in the online community can gaze upon my works and say inspiring things like "erm, that's nice."

Those wishing to lambast my craftsmanship or simply point out that the creature at left is not, in fact, a
canis lupus linoleum may e-mail:

Those of you with meaningful critiques, amusing anecdotes, or the urge to send me embarassingly large piles of nonsequential unmarked hard currency may e-mail:
Assorted sculpts done out of assorted epoxy.  Everything is more or less an attempt at 28mm (1/60) scale .
BEM (big-eyed monster) with ray gun
White Ape
MetaLunan Mu-tant
Primitive BEM
Riding Bird
Magma Golem Wellesian BEM (bug-eyed monster)
Jolly Roger Nuclear football
Colonel Zazz White Ape Redux
Best Forgotten - The daze of Sculpey
Stuff that probably shouldn't see the light of day, but my former roommate took pictures, so what the heck.  A true Kitchen Wolf knows no shame.
Eyeball Army Assorted BEMs