Dear Reader,

Looking around, some of us still can't believe that we've actually done this. That's what happens when you put a bunch of highly-talented people who are comfortable with each other into a room and leave them to their own devices. They create something.
It started out as sort of a joke. Let's create a magazine. At first, we laughed about it. Then we sobered. We looked around at what we were working with and said, "Why not? We could do this. I mean, really do this!"
In our midst, we had artists, photographers and graphic artists, award-winning poets and novelists, journalists, and accountants. We had people from every walk of life: many of the major religions, various backgrounds, interests and careers. In our daily discussions, you never know if we will talk about 10th Century garb, astrology, astronomy, gardening, brewing, fixing pipes, or children.
What do we want to do with this venture? What's our focus? Why do we need a focus? We're varied. The things we talk about in private are varied. Why should we limit ourselves? We write about anything that inspires us. When we're silly, we're silly. When we're serious, we're serious. This is a place where the reader gets invited into the den to listen to us share tales and heartaches, give advice that Dear Abby wouldn't approve of, impart wisdom and just be friends.
We invite you. Draw up a chair and pick up a goblet. Welcome to the Weyr. You'll feel at home in no time.