Disk 1 | Disk 2 | Disk 3 | Disk 4

All of the information within this walkthrough is copyrighted material by the webmaster of King Bahamut Zero.  Feel free to read through this walkthrough but stealing this intellectual property for use on other websites or for profit is strictly prohibited.  If you would like to use any information herein for your own practical use e-mail me at kingbahamut0@yahoo.com for further instructions.  I will also refrain from writing about most plot sequences as it will take away from the experience of playing the game.

1. Off to La La Land once more

2. Prison Life

3. Galbadia Missile Base

4. Return to Balamb Garden

5. Fisherman's Horizon

6. Balamb Under Attack

7. North to Trabia

8. Invading Galbadia Garden



1. Off to La La Land once more


Once again you'll find yourself in control of Laguna, but this time it seems like Kiros and Ward have gone off on their merry little ways.  Start by going to the pub where you will find Kiros and the two of you will go on patrol to defeat any enemies you come across in the town.  Go down all the way to the item shop and return to the pub.  Go to the second floor to give your report to Raine.  Also remember Raine and Ellone for later on in the game...  Go back to Laguna's room to take a nap and you'll wake back up with Squall again.  And on another note, you may notice that Laguna has 3000 gil and that there's an item shop.  The 3000 gil has no effect on your current money in the "real" world, so you can freely spend it.  You will then keep all the items you buy when you return as Squall, but you won't get any of Laguna's money that's left over.



2. Prison Life


Your first prerogative while in the D-District Prison is to find your weapons.  With Zell, go up to the 8th floor to take care of a couple soldiers and reclaim your party's weapons.  Shortly after you return to your cell, you'll get a visit by some familiar faces...


Boss - Biggs & Wedge: These guys sure haven't improved too much since your last encounter.  Physical attacks will be more than enough to take care of these bozos.  You could start the beginning of the battle by drawing Regen from Biggs and casting it on everyone.  Also take the time to draw 100 Haste, Reflect, and Regen spells for everyone if you haven't done so by this point.  Biggs should also have Cura if you're at high enough levels so you can get that as well (you'll need to have an average level of 20 or higher).  If you have the Mug command you can get a Strength Love from Wedge and a Regen Ring from Biggs.  Otherwise they'll drop Remedies and an Elixir, respectively.


After those guys are disposed of, the little Moombas will help you out and lead you to Squall up on the 13th floor.  But before you do that yet you can explore the prison for some things.  There's an HP Up in a 2nd floor cell along with a Pet Nametag.  There's a Pet House in a third floor cell and a Tent on the 4th.  You can also find the first issue of Combat King in a first floor cell and an item shop from a man on the 8th floor.  There are a few guys who will play cards with you but charge you to play.  You'll find a couple on the 5th and 11th floors who'll charge 500 and 200 gil per game respectively.  If you win you will also get an item ranging anywhere from a Potion to an HP Up.  There's also another card player on the 10th floor and he'll charge you 300 gil.  If you beat him you can get a Character Report which will give you information on your characters in battle.  Ok, back to the 13th floor now.  Follow the directions you're given with the elevator and rescue Zell from the guards.  Soon you will split into two parties, take Squall's party to the top of the prison and Irvine's to the third floor to get in position.  Back to Squall's party, you'll need to cross a long bridge to escape the prison, but you'll run into some trouble first.


Boss - Elite Soldier & GIM52A's: The Elite Soldier will pretty much only support the GIM52A's, so make sure you take him out right away.  Whenever a spell is cast on one of the enemies, draw Dispel from one of the GIM52A's to destroy their positive status effect.  After the soldier is defeated and all support magic is eliminated from the others, use Thunder and Quezacotl to make short work of the others.  What you receive in the battle depends on how lucky you are, but the best item you have a chance of getting is a Missile, which gives Quistis the blue magic Micro Missiles.


After the battle run across the bridge until it starts to collapse.  When it does, Squall will grab onto the edge of the bridge.  Now you have to move him over to the other side before the prison drills underground or it's game over.  After you've escaped the prison you'll meet up with all your party members and decide it's time to split into teams.  With one party you will steal a train to return to Balamb Garden and the other one will have to drive to the Galbadia Missile Base.  The Missile Base is NNW of the prison.  Also note that even if the car runs out of gas you can still drive it without getting into enemy encounters; it just goes slower.



3. Galbadia Missile Base


The easy way to make it through the base is not to be caught.  Start by scanning an ID card at the entrance to get in one of the doors.  Walk through all the corridors and talk to all the soldiers.  Don't fight but do what they say to prevent being found out.  You'll start by helping out some maintenance guys and will eventually make it into the circuit room.  Wreck the terminal to cause the black out, but refrain still from fighting.  Return to the launch room and help with moving the launchers into place.  You'll then have to check the control panel to make sure the missiles are still set on the correct course.  But of course you don't want that, so go to Target and select Set Error Ratio.  Set that to the maximum and upload the data to throw the missiles off course.  Now go to the control room to the right and take out the command leader.  Now set the self-destruct mechanism.  You should only need 10 minutes if you weren't caught, just run through the opposite door to find yourself back at the beginning for the boss battle.


Now if you were caught somewhere through the base, you will be forced to face some random encounters, so it may help to have the Enc Half or Enc None ability as the random encounters can be annoying, especially when you have a time limit to do things.  You'll have to fight your way into the control room to set the self destruct mechanism.  Since you were caught you'll have to set it to at least 20 minutes, but if you set it for more than that you won't be able to get through that shortcut door leading back to the beginning and will have to run all the way back through the base.  Next find the fallen soldier near the launch control panel and he'll give you his ID and password so you can go in and set the error ratio to maximum.  Once you do that leave the base to reach your next boss.


Boss - BGH251F2: This boss can pull out some good offense on you, so you have a couple options.  You can just use stocked cure magic to cure yourself or draw Protect from the boss to cast it on yourself.  Then use Thunder magic and Quezacotl and Brothers summons to take care of this guy in no time.  Once you've blasted away the Iron Clad, a few soldiers come out, but they're just standard soldiers so taking them out won't be a problem.


If you beat the boss within the time limit, you'll see the base blow up and will then get control of Squall's party.  If not you'll have to start over again.  Also note that you can gain two SeeD levels in the base.  You'll gain one if you get through the base without getting caught and another if you get to the boss and defeat it within 10 minutes.



4. Return to Balamb Garden


Once you get Squall's party back to Balamb Garden you'll find that it's been under attack, but by who?  Go around to each section of the Garden on the first floor and take care of all the enemies.  Next go to the second floor to find Xu and she will lead you to Cid on the third floor.  Here you will learn of the underground levels of the garden, so guess where you're going?  Once the elevator sticks, look on the floor for a panel you can remove.  Do that and escape through the elevator shaft.  Follow the path until you find a giant valve wheel.  Crank it and you should unveil a ladder.  Climb that ladder to turn on a computer, then head back down and look for a green light along the rail.  Climb down and look for the save point.  There's a large lever next to it that will open some doors revealing a bridge.  Go across, but watch out for an ambush.


Boss - Oilboyles: The first thing I should mention is the frequency in which they can blind or silence you.  In this case make sure that you draw Esuna from them to heal your party.  They have a tremendous weakness to Fire, so make sure you use your best Fire magic and summon Ifrit.  Also have Fire junctioned to Elem-Atk-J as an alternative to using Fire magic.


Once the Oilboyles have been taken care of, continue across the bridge and climb down the ladder.  You'll now be at a panel in front of some huge machinery, so play with the panels in the center to get them moving.  This has now enabled the Garden to move on its own.  When you're done, return to the second floor deck outside, and then back to Cid's office.  After your little chit-chat, take a nap in the dorm, and get ready to head into the basement.  Here you'll find one of the guys behind the funding (supposedly) of the garden and you'll get to take him on.


Boss - NORG: Norg will start out the battle hiding in a little pod while attacking you with two orbs on the sides.  The orbs will change from blue to yellow to red, and when they turn red they'll cast magic on you.  Use two of your characters to constantly attack the orbs so that they stay blue and won't pose a threat to you.  Then use your third character (the strongest obviously) to hit the pod, and eventually Norg once the pod is destroyed.  GF's will also work on Norg, but stay away from using Quezacotl.  You can also mug a Spr Up from the right pod and a Mag Up from the left pod.  Once the pod is destroyed, make sure to steal a Circlet from Norg as well as drawing the Leviathan GF from him.  This can be a tough battle, but if you keep attacking the orbs and are willing to devote that time, it will make the battle much easier.  If you don't steal the Circlet you'll receive some Wizard Stones.


Before you leave the battle scene, approach the front of the broken pod to find a Bio draw point.  Ok, now leave and return to the Infirmary to talk to Cid.  Then go to the directory on the first floor to find Xu.  Your next stop is to head to the deck on the second floor where you'll meet with some white SeeDs and they'll request you to hand over a girl named  Ellone, but they won't really say why.  You'll find her in the library and she will go willingly with the white SeeDs.  And soon enough the garden will crash into Fisherman's Horizon, hey, that's the next section!



5. Fisherman's Horizon


Once everything is settled down, head into the center of FH to find the mayor's house.  After a talk with him, head around on the railroad tracks and follow them all the way to the end.  Here you'll run into yet another familiar boss.


Boss - BGH251F2: Eh this should be easier than the first time around.  Use thunder and Quezacotl again, and this time you can also mug an Adamantine from it.


After taking care of the boss, head on back to the garden.  This whole sequence is just plot stuff, so go talk to Selphie at the quad, then Cid on the bridge, then back to the mayor's house in FH.  When you get Rinoa down to the concert, make sure to explore the right side of the stage to find that oh so important magazine, hehe.  After the concert, return to the bridge and you'll find that Balamb is under attack.  Take the controls and head on up to Balamb.



6. Balamb Under Attack


Balamb can be a bit confusing in trying to find the Captain.  Sneak by the first guards and visit Zell's house and talk to his mom.  Now go to the commander to try and find the Captain.  Then talk to the soldier next to the dog by the dock, then back to Zell's house, the train station, the dog at the dock, and follow the dog back to the train station.  Raijin will jump out; follow him back to the hotel.


Boss - Raijin: Raijin will have two soldiers accompanying him in the battle, but only kill the one without Cure as an available draw.  Then draw Protect from Raijin and cast it on everyone.  Use physical attacks and any magic but Thunder or Quezacotl as he will absorb them.  When you beat him you'll get a Str Up.


Raijin will back off to the hotel where he will get some reinforcements.


Boss - Raijin and Fujin: Start with the same strategy against Raijin with casting Protect on everyone.  Also avoid using any Thunder or Wind elemental magic or summons.  Both are vulnerable to poison however.  One thing that will work though is to draw magic from one enemy and use it on the other.  In other words, draw Aero from Fujin and use it on Raijin and draw Thundara from Raijin and use it on Fujin.  Also make sure to draw the GF Pandemona from Fujin.  It's probably a good idea to take care of Raijin first as Fujin has the Cura spell that you can draw from.  Win and the invasion of Balamb will end.



7. North to Trabia


You can find Trabia Garden right in the middle of the northern section of the vast Esthar continent.  Go around talking to people, and also look for some rare items.  You can find the Selphie card by playing her friend in front of the gargoyle.  You can also find the Weapons Monthly August magazine a few steps in front of the gargoyle as well.  Eventually you'll find a basketball court that's all ripped up and you'll realize that everyone in your group except Rinoa all came from the same orphanage.  So Rinoa convinces all of you to go check out for clues at the orphanage as to where the sorceress is.



8. Invading Galbadia Garden


The orphanage (Edea's House) is located on a peninsula in the southwest part of the Centra region, so guide the garden there.  Go inspect the building, but there's really nothing you can do there.  You may have noticed coming in that Galbadia Garden is hovering near Edea's house.  Hop back in the garden and fly towards Galbadia Garden.  Since Squall is in charge, you'll have to choose the commands that he gives out, so pick what you'd like.  You'll then form a party that will go to the quad.  But on the way Nida will tell you that Squall must return to the bridge.  Zell's party will take over the quad and Squall will have to report to the front gate.  There Nida will notify you that the classroom is being attacked, so quickly run to the classroom to take care of the soldiers there.  Return to the bridge again to speak with Dr. Kadowaki, and then back to the second floor.  Run towards the deck and you'll be attacked by a paratrooper.  Don't try to run or fight right away or you'll just dig yourself a bigger hole.  Instead look around for another option.  Then press the emergency exit button and the battle will be taken outside.  You'll be hanging from the paratrooper and will have to fight him as it flies around.  Block his attacks and after he tries to attack, counter with a kick and then a punch and go back to blocking.  Also if you block several attacks in a row, you'll get the option for a deathblow which will cause major damage to the enemy.  Also note that you only have a limited time to defeat him so don't sit there blocking too often; you'll have to take some initiative to take care of him before you crash.  When you do beat him, you'll save Rinoa and get ready to invade the Galbadian Garden.


Your first goal in the garden is to find the three card keys in order to get through all of the doors.  Start by taking doorways on the right twice in a row.  That should bring you to a staircase that will lead you to the second floor.  Take a left and then the door on the right to find the first card key.  Then head back to where you started and go up to get to the courtyard.  Re-enter the garden on the left and go through a hall to get to the main hall.  In the center of the room is the next GF, so go ahead and take him on.


Boss - Cerberus: Cerberus absorbs Thunder-based attacks, so refrain from using Thunder, Quezacotl, and Elem-Atk with Thunder.  He uses Triple on himself a lot as well which would enable him to use three consecutive magic spells, so make sure you dispel that right away.  Once you take that away from him he won't be able to mount much of an attack on you.  Heal from your stock if you have to and attack with anything but Thunder and Wind (immune to Wind attacks).  You can also mug a Spd-J Scroll from him.  Defeat him to gain him as a GF.


Take the upper-right path from the main hall and then take the door on the right to find the second key.  Now return to the main hall again and take the lower-left path.  Then take the door on the left and you'll get the third key, which will allow you to access the elevator.  Return to the main hall once more and take the upper-left path.  Take the stairs right away at the right side and go left to find the elevator.  Enter and on the other side you'll find the last battles of disk 2.


Boss - Seifer: Although he's a little beefed up from your last encounter, he's still a bad fighter.  Use physical attacks and any magic or summons, Bio, if you have any, will work best.  Any curing that you will need will have to come out of your stock.  He will drop a Mega-Potion when you beat him, but you could also mug a Mega Phoenix from him.


Boss - Seifer and Edea: Even though you're taking on two tough cookies in one battle, this still shouldn't be much of a problem.  You'll have to take out Seifer before you can touch Edea though, so work on him fast.  He's weaker than the last meeting and use the same techniques.  He will drop a Hero at the end of the battle but if you're lucky you'll get a Holy War.  Once you get past him you'll have to play with Edea, who is a bit tougher than in the first disk.  The first thing you have to do though is draw Alexander from her which has very helpful abilities.  She has a powerful attack called Maelstrom which will blind your characters and decrease everyone's HP by 3/4.  So make sure you have some powerful cure magic to counter this along with Esuna to get rid of the Blind status (Esuna can be drawn from Edea).  Diablos works well against her but for those who don't have him junctioned, draw Demi from Edea to use on herself.  Once those attacks don't seem to work that well, finish her off with physical attacks.  You could mug a Royal Crown off her, but it may be better to finish her off and pick up a Force Armlet.  When you're done, it's onto Disk 3!