**Extra Stuff**

1. Junctioning Magic

2. Junctioning GF's and abilities

3. Shumi village

4. Centra Ruins

5. Chocobo Forests

6. the CC members

7. Cactuar Island

8. Deep Sea Research Center

9. Obel Lake

10. Alien Encounters

11. Queen of Cards

12. SeeD tests

13. Omega Weapon

14. rare card locations



1. Junctioning Magic


When junctioning magic, of course you always want to have the highest stats, but the question is what to junction where.  First off, keep all of your GF and magic junctioned to three people throughout the game; don't have GF's and magic junctioned to people you're not using at the time.  While you're playing the game, whenever you come across a new spell that you can draw, make sure you draw 100 for each character (at least for all of them I have listed below in the next paragraph) or use item refining abilities to get them.  Next, once you get the Ragnarok and the Enc-None ability from Diablos, equip that ability and head to the Island Closest to Hell (or Heaven).  Run around and constantly press X to find hidden draw points.  You'll want to get 100 spells of Meteor, Ultima, Holy, Full-Life, and Triple.  When it seems like there aren't any more draw points available, head back to the other island.  Repeat that until you have 100 of each of those five spells for all three people.  It will take a little while and you'll drop 2 SeeD levels in the process more or less, but it's well worth it.


Now for the junctioning part, I'm going to assume that you have every available junction possible for each character, so these will go for all people.  See the next section for more info on junctioning GF's.  For HP, junction something that you don't use too much but will give you 9999 HP (also use HP+XX% abilities).  Something like Regen or depending on your level, Curaga or Cura.  Junction Meteor to Strength, sure Ultima is better, but there are other plans for Ultima...  For Vitality, Meltdown does wonders plus Curaga is a very nice junction there.  Pain or Holy will work best with Magic.  For Spirit use Curaga, Regen, Reflect, or Dispel.  Triple is a must use for Speed as that stat can be increased up and over 100.  Hit, Evade, and Luck aren't all that important, just use what you have left after Status and Element junctions.  Ok, onto the Status junctions now.  You can really put whatever you want for ST-Atk-J, but I'd recommend putting Death there, giving you a 100% instant death for enemies who are vulnerable to it.  Status defense is another one that's up to you depending on what you're weakest against, but throw in Esuna as it will decrease the chances for all status effects by 20%.  Pain, Holy, and Reflect also cover multiple statuses if you still have any of those available.  I suggest NOT selecting a magic for Elemental attack unless you know for sure that all enemies in an area are of one element.  That is not the case in the later stages of the game, so I would avoid using this.  As for Elemental Defense, two characters should have 4 slots for junctions and the third should have two.  For the ones with four slots, junction Ultima, Full-Life, Life, and a low level elemental magic.  That will allow you to absorb 70% of the attack for all elemental attacks and 100% for the one with the low level magic you selected.  For your third character select Ultima and Life to absorb 30% of all elemental attacks.  That will also allow you to use Full-Life in other junctions as it is a pretty powerful spell for junctioning.



2. Junctioning GF's and abilities


Guardian Forces are another topic where it's a strain on the brain determining who should get which GF.  Well here's the way to get HP, Str, Vit, Mag, Spr, Spd, Hit, Status and elemental attack and defense x 4, and at least 3 abilities for everyone.  I will just use an example of Squall, Rinoa, and Selphie here, so your party may be different although Squall's junctions should remain the same.  All right, for Squall, give him Quezacotl, Brothers, Leviathan, Cerberus, and Cactuar.  For menu abilities, use Magic, Item, and Recover.  Your other abilities should be HP+80%, Str+60%, and Auto-Haste.  Next is Rinoa, who should have Shiva, Diablos, Pandemona, Doomtrain, Bahamut, and Tonberry.  Your menu commands should be Magic, Item, and GF.  Also use HP+80%, Str+60%, Auto-Haste, and Enc-None (or Mag+60% if you still want to face enemies).  Now for Selphie, give her the remaining GF's, which would be Ifrit, Siren, Carbuncle, Alexander, and Eden.  Her menu commands should be Magic, Treatment, and Revive.  The rest of her abilities should be HP+80%, Str+40%, and Auto-Haste.


If you go through all of these junctions, you may notice that Squall doesn't have Str+60% or Elemental Defense x 4, Rinoa doesn't have Auto-Haste, and Selphie doesn't have HP+80%, Auto-Haste, or Status Defense x 4.  Now's the time to get some items for your GF's to learn abilities.  You'll also need a few Amnesia Greens to have a GF lose an ability.  When you do that, make them lose something that another GF has (one that the same character has).  For Str+60%, you'll need a Hyper Wrist which you can refine from the Zell card (see the rare card locations for all cards at the bottom of this page) to get three of them.  Bahamut will also drop one in the battle against him.  To get Auto-Haste, you'll need an accelerator, well two actually since two characters will need that ability.  You can refine your Kiros card into three Accelerators, but here's an easier way.  Refine Cerberus's card into 100 Lightweights and use GF Abl Med-RF to use those 100 to get one Accelerator.  Also do the short alien side quest, but rather than giving PuPu elixirs, kill him to get your second Accelerator.  As for the HP+80% ability, you'd need a Gaea's Ring for that.  You can refine a few from Ward's card or also Jumbo Cactuar will drop one for beating him.  The Status Guard can be refined from Doomtrain's card and it is also dropped by Tiamat in Ultimecia's Castle.  You can also find one by completing the Shumi Village side quest just below.  Finally is the Elem Guard which can be refined from Selphie's Card and it is dropped by Krysta in Ultimecia's Castle.



3. Shumi Village


Once you get control of Balamb Garden you can travel to the Shumi village which is located in the middle of the northern-most island.  Start off by going down the elevator into the cozy village and go all the way to the left to the Sculptor's shop.  Talk around there and head back building where a moomba was standing to speak with the elder.  You then have to go back to the Sculptor's shop and he'll ask you to find five stones for him.  First is the Blue stone which is just to the left of the statue in the Sculptor's shop.  Second should be the Water stone, which is in the Artisan's house just next to the Sculptor's.  Snoop around the top-left corner of the house to find it.  Next on the list should be the Life stone, which is to the right of the elder's house in some tree roots.  Now go back to the first area near the elevator and search the right side of the path to find the Wind stone.  Finally head back up to the ground level on the elevator and search around where there's a large shadow on the right side of the screen to find the Shadow stone.  Return the stones to the Sculptor and go to the elder to get a Phoenix Pinion.  Not over yet....leave the village and return again to the Sculptor's shop to talk to the elder's assistant.  Now go talk with the elder once again, and then the moomba outside the elder's house.  Follow him and talk again with the elder's assistant.  Then talk with the elder again, and return to the elder's attendant once more.  Break the chain and talk with the Artisan now.  Talk to the elder yet again and then travel off to Fisherman's Horizon.  Go up to the repair shop at the end of the train tracks on the right (near where you fought the BGH251F2).  Talk to the grease monkey there and he'll give you a Moomba doll.  Go back again to the Artisan in Shumi village and give him the doll.  Talk to the elder one last time and he'll give you a Status Guard for your troubles.



4. Centra ruins


This is another side quest that becomes available once you get control of the garden.  The ruins are located on the Centra continent east to northeast of Edea's house, but it's not on the same island.  For the first part of this side quest, you have to solve a tower's puzzle to face and defeat Odin all within 20 minutes.  For starters, make sure you have the Enc-None ability activated to make things much easier.  The tower is pretty simple to make your way through, but when you reach a spot with two ladders, the right one leads to an Aero draw point while the left continues the quest.  Then examine the lit altar to continue past that.  When you see the first statue with one red eye, climb up to it and take out the eye.  Continue past that point to the second statue and place the eye from the first one into the second.  It'll give you a code so either remember it or write it down.  It's different from game to game, so it's not going to be the same for everyone.  Then take out both eyes and head back to the first statue.  Put in both eyes and a five digit column will appear over a torch.  Enter the code and the door will open to Odin.


Boss - Odin: If you used the Enc-None ability you'll have no problem in defeating him in time.  He won't attack you until the time is up (where he'll kill your entire party), so you won't have to worry about defense.  If you have the time, draw Triple from him and also mug a Luck-J Scroll from him.  When you defeat him you'll gain his services as well as get the Odin Card.


The Tonberry quest within the ruins is a little more difficult however.  You'll need to wander around the ruins (take off Enc-None if need be) and face roughly 20 Tonberries.  They are no pushover as most bosses in the game are easier.  You need to give all your strength to defeat them because if they move close enough to your characters they can perform instant death attacks.  So bring along lots of Full-Life and curing spells and items.  They are also very vulnerable to Diablos, so make sure you summon him a LOT, especially if you have him at a reasonably high level.  On another note, you don't have to defeat all 20 or so Tonberries in one visit to the ruins.  You can leave the ruins after taking out a couple and come back later if you so desire.  Ok, once you get past your 20 Tonberries, you'll get into another battle with a Tonberry, but once you defeat it, the king will make a visit...


Boss - Tonberry King: First of all realize that Diablos doesn't damage the Tonberry King at all, so avoid summoning him.  If your average level is above 30, he will have Full-Life and Curaga that can be drawn.  If not, he'll still have Cura and Life.  So make sure all three characters have the Draw ability.  Just give your best attack and draw the life and cure spells whenever you need to use them.  The battle isn't all that difficult for that reason, but it will take a while to beat him since he has a lot of HP.  He'll join you as a GF when you beat him and you'll also get a Royal Crown.



5. Chocobo Forests


This side quest can be a bit complicated so I'm going to try to make it as easy as possible.  In order to "solve" a forest you need to bring out the big chocobo.  To get the big chocobo to come out you need to single out one chicobo.  To do that you need to buy and use a ChocoWhis to move the chicobos around.  You'll have to use the ChocoSonar to find the exact spot but I'll give the general area they can be found.  You can also ride that chocobo on the world map.  There's also an item that you can get within each forest.  Ok, we'll start out on an easy one...


The Beginner's Forest--location: next to Shumi village.  Use the ChocoWhis towards the top-left corner of the screen near the bottom side of the little rock face.  For the item, you can find an Aura Stone in the top of the little niche at the top of the screen.


The Basic's Forest--location: snowfield on the western coast of Trabia.  In the little "circle" this forest has, use the whistle first in the center, maybe just a little bit to the right.  Then use it again in the bottom-left corner to finish this puzzle.  There's a Flare Stone at the farthest-left point.


The Roaming Forest--location: just north of Trabia garden.  Start by using the ChocoWhis just to the right of Chocoboy.  The next spot will be in the middle of the opening on top, a little up and right of dead-center.  Then go way to the bottom of the forest for the third piece of the puzzle, and finish in the same spot as the first one.  There's a snow bank on the top-left corner of the forest; at the upper side of the base of the bank is where a Shell Stone and Holy Stone wait.


Forest of Fun--location: east of Edea's house.  This one is actually pretty fun...  Anyway, start with a spot towards the bottom-middle of the screen, near the edge of some higher and lighter-colored grass.  Next go to a spot almost straight up from the first spot, maybe a little bit to the left.  Now use the whistle at a spot in the middle of the field on the right side.  Finally go to the left and just a hair down from Chocoboy to see them go bowling and finish the puzzle.  There is a Meteor Stone, Ultima Stone, and Flare Stone on the far right side of the forest.


Forest of Solitude--location: peninsula on Centra continent south of Fisherman's Horizon.  This one's kinda easy but the spot where you use the ChocoWhis is very small so it may be hard to find.  It's a little past Chocoboy and to the left.  It's tricky to find but that's the only spot you need to find.  Ask chocoboy to a game of cards, but select "Forget it, just move".  Search the spot he was on for a Protect Stone and Meteor Stone.


The Enclosed Forest--location: south of the Kashkabald Desert.  This one's the toughest of all, so here we go...  Start with the spot in the top-left corner of the forest.  Walk down and a hair to the right, causing one chicobo to leave and another to appear.  The next stop is along the edge straight to the right of Chocoboy.  After that go straight up from there and it's a hair to the left at that edge.  Now go into the middle of the little clearing above Chocoboy and that should do it.  Hiding kinda behind the log in the top right corner are a Meteor Stone, Holy Stone, and Ultima Stone.


Ok, not quite done yet.  After you solve all six forests and get the items from each, go back to the forest north of Trabia Garden to get a chocobo.  Make your way east and go through a mountain range to reach Heath Peninsula.  At the base of the peninsula is a long path of shallow water that leads to the Grandidi Forest on Esthar.  Head to the northern tip of the forest to find the Chocobo Sanctuary.  The chocobos there will do a little dance, and then talk to the chicobo afterwards.  He'll give you the Chicobo Card.  Talk to him a second time to get Gysahl Greens, but he'll also steal 600 gil from you.



6. The CC Members


This is a pretty simple side quest involving the card game Triple Triad.  Although you'll be able to start the first half of the quest at any time, you won't be able to finish it until Xu goes up to the bridge after the attack on Galbadia Garden.  All seven members are in Balamb Garden so you won't have to travel far.  But they can be tricky to find, so if you don't see them, leave the screen you're on and come back to see if they show up.  The objective of this quest is to challenge and defeat the seven members of the CC club at Triple Triad.  Your rewards are only three rare cards, but included is the almost-essential Gilgamesh card.


Your first challenge is Jack, who can be found near the directory usually coming up from the bottom of the screen.  Second is Club and is near the entrance of the cafeteria.  Diamond is third and is actually the pair of girls walking up to the directory.  Next is Spade and is one of the two people that is on the walkway outside the elevator on the second floor.  Heart is next (Xu), so head on up to the bridge of the garden to find her once you get to disk 3.  You can also win the Carbuncle Card from her.  Now head to the training center and in the area where there's a pond, Joker should be on the end of the little pier.  He also has the Leviathan Card.  Now head back to the bridge and speak with Nida.  Then go and challenge Dr. Kadowaki to a game in the infirmary.  Finally go to your room for a nap and King will come for your final challenge.  I won't say who it is but it's one of your other five allies.  You will also be able to win the priceless Gilgamesh Card from King.  And that's it!



7. Cactuar Island


Off the southeast corner of Kashkabald Desert lies Cactuar Island (you can tell by the cactus popping out of the sand).  Before you go play with the cactus, make sure you have lots of Full-Lifes, and also the Revive and Recover abilities.  If you can, junction Water to everyone's Elem-Atk-J, and whoever has Leviathan needs a high compatibility with him.  And also make sure nobody has Counter as an ability.  If you need to get the Revive or Recover abilities, head to Kashkabald Desert and you can find a lot of cactuars there.  They give out 20AP for each one defeated, and they can come in groups of 2 to as high as 4.  Ok, when you're ready, head back to Cactuar Island.


Boss - Jumbo Cactuar:  The main thing you have to worry about is his occasional counterattack 10,000 Needles.  Whenever he does this to you make sure you revive or cast Full-Life right away to get your ally back.  His physical attacks aren't that strong but you'll need to heal once your HP get low.  Use strong physical attacks with water junctioned to Elem-Atk, and have the ally with Leviathan summon him each round.  After a considerably long time Jumbo Cactuar will begin to hesitate, so here's the tricky part.  If you continue to attack him with physical attacks that don't do much damage, he will more than likely run away.  At this point you should do nothing but summon Leviathan who'll dish out 9999 damage when boosted.  His attack is heavy enough and if compatibility is high enough, fast enough for him not to run away.  Win and Cactuar will become an available GF.



8. Deep Sea Research Center


Once you gain control of the Ragnarok you'll be able to find the Deep Sea Research Center.  Fly due west of Edea's house and you should find it just before crossing back to the other side of the map.  Before you enter it may be a good idea to have the Enc-None ability equipped.  Ok, after you head inside you'll see a big pulsating blue light.  Slowly move towards the light but only move when the light is off.  If you move while the light is on you'll be put into a battle with not so nice enemies.  It can be tricky moving around the stuff on the ground, but once you reach the core, a voice speaks out: "So you wish to challenge me..."  There's only one option to reply so take that and you'll get thrown into a battle with a very tough Ruby Dragon.  Ice and Holy work best against them but stay away from Wind and Fire as they will heal.  And make sure you keep well-healed as you won't be able to heal after the battle.  Now the voice will ask "Begging me for mercy?", so reply "Never".  Again you'll get to face a tough Ruby Dragon, and once you come back to the voice again, it'll say "Damned imbeciles.  Why do you wish to fight?"  There's a hidden third option that you need to select.  You'll find out the voice is that of Bahamut and are thrown into battle.


Boss - Bahamut: This battle is pretty disappointing for one with Bahamut, who has always been pretty tough in previous FF games.  Just use physical attacks and draw Curaga and Full-Life from him whenever you need to heal.  Now's also a good time to stock up on Dispel and Flare spells.  When you win you'll get the Bahamut Card, Hyper Wrist, and Bahamut's services as a GF.


After the battle you'll see that the core has been destroyed so what are you waiting for?  Head on down!  The next section requires you to make it down to the bottom of the sea using 20 units of steam to open up sections on the way down.  The solution is a bit tricky, but here's how it goes.  You'll have to start by using 4 units on the first level.  Use 2 units at the next section you come to.  There's a monitor on the third level asking if you want to open the Steam Room for 4 units.  Do it and you can recharge 7 units, putting you back up to 17 total at this point.  Continue your way down using 1 unit for each of the next three sections.  Use 4 units on the bottom level to open the door to the evacuation site.  Make your way through the site (and don't forget to save!), but before you use your remaining 10 units on the machine at the very bottom, make sure your junctions are how you want them (revive and recover abilities).  Plus it's a good idea (although not entirely necessary) to have Squall's Lion Heart weapon upgrade at this point.  So when you're ready, use the rest of the steam to continue operation of the excavation site and to get thrown into another battle.


Boss - Ultima Weapon:  For the first round of the battle you'll need to do three things.  You need to draw Eden which is the strongest GF in the game, cast Aura on Squall, and summon Doomtrain or cast Meltdown on Ultima Weapon.  Hopefully everyone is still alive at this point, so use Revive or Full-Life to get anyone back.  But don't pass up the opportunity if Squall has a Renzokuken coming.  With Ultima Weapon having the Vit 0 status effect your attacks will do twice the damage so never pass up the opportunity for a limit break.  Then just continue from there trying to stay alive and feeding Auras to Squall.  Also refer back to the junctioning sections above for more tips on those regards.  If you're up for this meek challenge it shouldn't be much of a problem.  You can also mug a Three Stars from it, otherwise it'll drop an Ultima Stone and the Eden Card.



9. Obel Lake


There's a small lake north of Timber; walk onto the peninsula and you will get the option of throwing a rock into the water or humming.  Hum a few times and a creature will talk to you asking you to find Mr. Monkey.  Head into a forest west of Dollet (on the other side of the little cliff there) and walk around until you find the monkey.  Go back to Obel Lake and the creature will give you a variety of clues.  There are a couple meaningless ones, but here are the ones of interest: "You'll find something on an island east of Timber, too".  There's an island just north of the FH bridge near Timber.  Search the eastern side of the island to find a rock with the letters "REAIDR" on it.  Another clue is "At the beach in Balamb, something special washes ashore at times."  Another rock lies around the little point on the Balamb beach with the letters "STSLRM".  A third clue will be "There's also something on top of a mountain with a lake and cavern."  Head to the Monterosa Plateau with the Ragnarok northwest of Timber and on one of the cliffs right above a waterfall spouting out of a cliff.  Search and you should find a bird warming an egg.  Check it out and you'll get a rock with "EASNPD" written on it.  The fourth clue and not always the last is "Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think..."  Stay at Obel Lake and throw rocks into the lake until you get the message "The rock skipped many many times."  Go back to find Mr. Monkey in the forest west of Dollet and throw rocks at him until he throws one back at you with the letters "URHAEO" on it.  Go back to Obel Lake once you've found all four rocks and they will be lined up for you to figure out the message.  Read the rocks top to bottom, right to left to get the message "Mordred Plains has treasure".  Mordred Plains is located on the other side of the cliffs just north of Esthar City.  Search around there and a bunch of different colored rocks will tell you things.  Only listen to the red-faced rocks, and do exactly opposite of what it tells you.  When it says that the treasure's not here, search again to find a Three Stars.  But that's not all with Obel lake; another clue you may get is "Take some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula."  It's on the southwest tip of the snowfield, so head there and search for a rock that will say tretimeasureatminoffdeisle.  Do according to the clue and take "time" and "off" out of the writing on the rock and it says "treasure at Minde Isle."  Minde Isle is a little island just south of Esthar; search it for a Luck-J Scroll.



10. Alien Encounters


This is an easy little side quest that can land a pretty good reward.  Although you can start this quest any time in the game, you won't be able to finish it until you get the Ragnarok.  There are several spots on the globe where you can run into UFO's flying by.  It's a good idea to have Enc-None equipped since you can still run into the aliens without getting the random encounters with enemies.  You can start by heading to the area around Winhill for an UFO sighting there.  Another site is Mandy Beach which is right next to Timber.  Third is the western side of the Kashkabald Desert, and finally is Heath Peninsula east of Trabia.  Once you've spotted the UFO in each of those four spots, head to the plateau on the northern tip of the Esthar continent overlooking Grandidi Forest (and the Chocobo Sanctuary).  Run around a bit and you will get into a battle with a UFO.  Defeat it for an Aegis Amulet.  Now here's where you have to make a decision.  Go to where Balamb Garden once stood and you should meet up with PuPu, the little alien from the UFO.  You can either give him 5 Elixirs for the PuPu Card or kill him to get an Accelerator.  If you can get the Kiros card from the Queen of Cards quest, get the card.  Otherwise slaughter the little guy for the Accelerator.



11. Queen of Cards


If you have no patience with playing the card game, I'd suggest not trying this quest.  You will lose many cards and will have to win them back if you want them.  The point of the quest is to win or lose a level 8 or higher card from the queen to get her to move around the world.  She doesn't start with any level 8 or higher so you'll have to lose your first encounter.  She starts out in Balamb near the train station.  After you lose or win a level 8 or higher card, she'll give a clue as to where she's going next.  There are a total of eight places she can go to and she also will give a clue as to where she will go next.  Here are the locations and the clues in parenthesis: Balamb by station (Balamb), Winhill hotel (Centra), Galbadia Hotel in Deling City (Galbadia), train tracks in Fisherman's Horizon (FH), pub in Dollet (Dollet), Presidential Palace in Esthar (Esthar), hotel in Shumi village (Trabia), and the concourse at Lunar Gate (far away).  Note that she will not give a clue when she's at Lunar Gate so you'll have to find your next stop yourself.  Once she returns to Dollet, ask her about her artist father and she will tell you which card she requests.  Purposely lose that card to her and she will have a new one created, but you'll have to win it from someone else.  You can win back any of the five cards she requests from her younger brother in Dollet.  He is the kid living with the artist one screen down from the pub.  Any other rare card you lose to her you'll have to win back from her.  Here's the cards you have to lose and the ones you can gain:


Card Given New Card Where new card is found
MiniMog Kiros man in black across from junk shop in Deling City
Chcobo Chubby Chocobo student sitting on bench across from library in Balamb Garden
Sacred Irvine Flo (Fisherman Horizon's mayor's wife)
Alexander Doomtrain pub owner in Timber (behind counter on right)
Doomtrain Phoenix Presidential Palace in Esthar (aide in blue)



12. SeeD tests


At any point during the game you can return to your study panel in the second floor classroom of Balamb Garden to take a SeeD test.  If you get 100% on the exam you will be upgraded one SeeD level.  There are 30 tests total and here are the answers.


Test # Q#1 Q#2 Q#3 Q#4 Q#5 Q#6 Q#7 Q#8 Q#9 Q#10
1 yes no yes yes yes no no yes no no
2 yes no yes yes yes no yes yes no no
3 no no yes no yes yes yes no yes no
4 no yes yes yes no no yes yes no no
5 no no no yes yes no no yes yes yes
6 yes no yes yes no no yes yes no yes
7 yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes no
8 no yes no no yes yes no no yes no
9 no yes no no no no no no yes yes
10 yes no no no no no no no yes no
11 yes yes no yes yes no yes no no yes
12 no yes no no yes no yes no yes no
13 yes no no no yes no no no no no
14 yes yes yes yes no yes yes no yes no
15 yes yes no no no no no yes no yes
16 yes no no yes no yes no no yes no
17 yes no no no yes no no yes no no
18 yes no no no yes no no no no no
19 yes no no yes no no no no no yes
20 yes yes no yes no yes yes yes no no
21 yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes no
22 no no no yes no no no yes yes no
23 yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes
24 yes yes no no yes yes no no no yes
25 yes no yes yes yes no no yes no no
26 yes yes no yes no yes no yes no no
27 no yes no no no no yes no yes no
28 yes no no yes yes yes no yes no no
29 no no no yes yes yes no yes no no
30 no yes no no no no yes no no no



13. Omega Weapon


Before heading into battle with Omega Weapon, refer back to the first two sections of this page to get your junctions in the way they should be.  You should also junctions 100 deaths to St-Def for anybody who has a level that is a multiple of 5.  Your best bet for this battle should be Squall, Zell, and Irvine, and they should all have their best weapons.  When you're ready and when you've finished off the first eight bosses in Ultimecia's Castle, take your primary party to the switch point in front of the water fountain.  Then with your second party go to the room to the right of the main foyer and ring the bell from the ground floor.  Switch back to the main party and head up into the organ room to find Omega Weapon waiting for you.


Boss - Omega Weapon: Start off with summoning Doomtrain (don't boost), Cerberus, and Eden in the first round.  Next use Aura with triple from Cerberus to cast it on all characters and also use a Holy War, but only after Aura is cast.  Use limit breaks as much as you can and also use Eden for the character who has it when you can't use a limit break.  Otherwise stick to physical attacks.  When the Holy War runs out, quickly recast the Triple-Aura combination and use another Holy War.  Repeat this until you've defeated him, but of course it's more difficult than it sounds.  If someone is killed, wait until a Holy War is out, then use the Revive command (or Full-Life) to get him/her back, and then go back to the Aura and Holy War.  Also if someone is injured, use the Recover command when that character doesn't have a limit break coming to get everyone up to full health.   You have to be quick in selecting your commands or Omega may be too fast for you to keep up.  But should you win you'll get a Three Stars.



14. Rare card locations


Some of the cards here are found within a few of the side quests already mentioned on this page.  In that event I will simply mention which side quest for that card; just look back to that side quest to find the more detailed way of obtaining that card.


Level 5 - Pupu: see the Alien Encounters side quest


Level 8 - Chubby Chocobo: see the Queen of Cards side quest

Angelo: win from Watts of the Forest Owls either on disk one on the train or on disk three on the white SeeD ship.

Gilgamesh: see the CC group side quest

MiniMog: win from the kid in light blue running around Balamb Garden.

Chicobo: see the Chocobo side quest

Quezacotl: win from the mayor of Fisherman's Horizon

Shiva: Find the "Girl Next Door" magazine in the Timber Maniacs building in Timber (to the left of the information desk) and give it for free to Zone on the White SeeD ship.  He'll give you the card then.

Ifrit: You'll get this card when you defeat him in the Fire Cavern.

Siren: Go to the pub in Dollet and defeat the manager on the second floor.  He'll take you to a back room where you can then win this card.

Sacred & Minotaur: You'll get both cards when you defeat the Brothers in the Tomb of the Unknown King.


Level 9 - Carbuncle: see the CC group side quest

Diablos: You'll get this card when you defeat him when using the Magical Lamp.

Leviathan: see the CC group side quest

Odin: see the Centra Ruins side quest

Pandemona: Challenge the Balamb Hotel owner after the invasion by Galbadia; he'll be standing in the street outside the hotel.

Cerberus: During your invasion of Galbadia Garden in disk 2, defeat Cerberus who is waiting in the main hall of the garden and you will get the card.

Alexander: Win this card from Piet on the Lunar Base in disk 3.

Phoenix: see the Queen of Cards side quest

Bahamut: Defeat him in the Deep Sea Research Center to get his card.

Doomtrain: see the Queen of Cards side quest

Eden: Defeat Ultima Weapon in the Deep Sea Research Center to get this card.


Level 10 - Ward: Win from Dr. Odine on disk 3.

Kiros: see Queen of Cards side quest

Laguna: Win from Ellone while at the Lunar Base on disk 3.

Selphie: Win from Selphie's friend by the gargoyle statue at Trabia Garden.

Quistis: Win from either of the Trepies.  Two are talking to each other in the second floor classroom and the third is in the cafeteria.

Irvine: see the Queen of Cards side quest

Zell: Win from Zell's mother in Balamb (Zell's house).

Rinoa: Lose your Ifrit card to General Caraway in Deling City and then he will use his daughter's card.  You can win back the Ifrit card from Martine in Fisherman's Horizon, who is sitting just outside the mayor's house.

Edea: Win from Edea at her house after the end of disk 2.

Seifer: Win from Cid on disk 1 before your first mission or on disk 3 at Edea's house.

Squall: Win from Laguna in Esthar or on the Ragnarok at the end of disk 3.