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We all have dreams and it is ultimatley up to God to say what dreams come true and which don't.
I believe he makes paths for us to follow and help ourselves.
That is what I am doing NOW
God had given man a tool when it comes to those of us who how have fought weight gain for most of our lives. That tool is Bariatric Surgery (Only 3%-5% of patients maintain non-surgical weight loss.)

You can take the diet pills that can potienally kill you or keep the weight that can kill you.
Did you know that obesity is the number 1 preventable death in America as of 2004. Smoking has now stepped down from that position.

Along with Weight loss your rate of death due to many of the other diseases cause by obesity will come down including:

  • hypertension
  • cardiovascular disease
  • diabetes (high blood surgar)
  • pulmonary hypertension
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (airway is obstructed during sleep)
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart)
  • hyperlidemia (elevated cholesterol levels)
  • cholelithiasis (gallshones/gallbladder problems)
  • hypoventkation (shallow breathing)
  • degenerative arthritis (aching, worn and swollen joints)
  • psychosocial impairments (emotional and social problems

  • Other risk factors are:
  • infertility and irregular menistrational periods
  • increased breast and uterine cancer
  • urinary stress incontinence
  • gastroeshophageal relux disease
  • Many, Many more that I have forgot to list, but you get the idea.

  • These are a few of the resons I will be working toward having this surgery. I do have 7 of the comorbities that goes with this disease.
    If I wait longer I am sure that it will worsen. My father was 51 years old when he died. He had heart disease along with being a diabetic. Both of these are heretitary and are both associated with obesity. I do NOT want to wait until I have these I want to try and prevent what is to come!
This site is dedicated to my life story of a struggle with weight gain and how I have finally decided to complete it once and for all.

I will take you from my early life obesity, to my research of Gastric Bypass Surgery, to finally the daily notes of what I will do to prepare for my surgery along with my notes after surgery.

I promise keep up with this journal from start to finish, for those that are contemplating the surgery

To find out more on the Surgical Weight Loss Choices and Problems that my consist with in obsity look under my side bar for links that my help outside my site. It is not ready yet but I will have it up before March 2005 (with in the month)
My God Bless You in whatever your endevors may be.
