DragonCon 2000 -- Alexandra Tydings and Claire Stansfield

Alexandra Tydings

Alexandra was fantastic. I always enjoy her talks, but she was the funniest and most animated I've ever seen her at this convention. She seemed to be having a fantastic time. She told us about the trials of being wrapped up in a sheet with Renee O'Connor for the episode Little Problems where they pretended to be Siamese twins. She also talked about the difficulties involved with shooting the underwater scenes in Married with Fishsticks. One of the funniest moments was when some guy's phone rang and she answered and told the person he couldn't talk right now because he was listening to Alex Tydings talk. (What really irked me was when the guy didn't turn the phone off and it rang again later. How rude! I could go on a rant here about what I think of cell phones, but I won't.) Anyway, Alex was terrific. And she looked absolutely fabulous with her new red hair.

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Claire Stansfield

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of Claire. I just couldn't fit everything into my schedule, and if I remember correctly, the one I could've made she had to miss for some reason. I did get to see her in the autograph line and I got to see part of her talk with Alex Tydings about the women of Xena, so I got a couple pictures. I enjoyed what I did get to see.



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Email: huminas@gmail.com