Attention Deficit Disorder - Why?

by Nina Anderson & Dr. Howard Peiper

It seems that everyone knows someone whose child is on a prescription for A.D.D., or who is being advised to consider it.
Doris Rapp, M.D. feels that drugs should be the last choice in treating an illness, especially when the drugs come with a long list of side effects. She believes that the first choice should be to detect and eliminate the cause of the illness, such as contact with dust, mold, pollen and chemicals, food allergies, and environmental pathogens. She claims that, "these types of exposures bring about complaints such as fatigue, headaches, intestinal problems, muscle aches, recurrent infections, bed wetting, hayfever, asthma, hives and learning and behavioral problems." According to Esteban A. Genao, M.D., children with non-compliant behavior have no obvious cause of disease to be found by physical examination or laboratory tests. To me, hyperactivity, as any other serious chronic problem, is a sign of toxicity or deficiency or, most of the time, a combination of both.
Supposedly, there is no known cure for A.D.D., but remember, A.D.D. is a manifestation of symptoms traceable to the central nervous system and to an imbalance thereof. If balance is restored to this system, then the symptoms of A.D.D. should improve, and there are a variety of ways to accomplish this. As outlined in the books, A.D.D. The Natural Approach and The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. DIET!! natural therapies support the body's innate ability to heal itself. When we eat fresh, organic grains, fruits and vegetables; and when we breathe clean air, drink purified water and think pure thoughts, we are training our body to be healthy. Children (and adults) suffering from A.D.D. most likely are not following a holistic way of living and eating.
According to Linda Rector Page, N.D., Ph.D., "Conventional therapies address only the symptoms of an illness, not the cause. It is clear they are not the answer in the long run. Addressing the cause of A.D.D. is the first big step.": Dr. I. Gerald Olarsh, N.D. insists that A.D.D. and hyperactivity may be serious indicators of a lifetime of potentially worsening hardships, including depression and instability. He links hyperactivity, learning problems and violent behavior to a fundamental lack of minerals. In a study at a boys' detention home, a link was found between high copper levels in the brains of the boys who exhibited violent behavior. Lack of minerals can cause the body to absorb heavy metals such as copper. Zinc deficiencies have been linked to certain behavioral problems, including A.D.D. It is not enough to treat the body with individual minerals, but we must add a full complement of trace minerals in order to preserve the body's balance.
North Americans eat an abnormal amount of cooked or processed foods. This contributes to enzyme deficiencies (enzymes are killed when food is cooked), which is one of the causes of maldigestion and food allergies. Many toxic colons exist in the bodies of A.D.D. sufferers, and contribute to their malaise. If we can rebalance their systems, we may be able to send the symptoms of this illness away, permanently.Adding digestive enzymes; eliminating the hydrogenated oils found in junk food and replacing them with healthy olive oil and flax; eating plenty of greens or taking greens supplements; and eliminating pesticide-laden food will all assist in balancing the body.
Environmental factors can also trigger A.D.D. behavior. Chlorine in water, chemicals in furnishings, decorating products, and cleaning products and pesticides in insect repellents are known to bring on hyperactive behavior. Living non-toxically may be the best answer.
Changing the environment and eating habits of persons with A.D.D. may be necessary. If this person is a child, this may mean also changing those habits of the parent as well. Unfortunately for children suffering from A.D.D., many parents will not do this. As children are put on special diets they long for what their parents are eating and may resent their restrictions. The only solution is for the whole family to embrace a new lifestyle. It's amazing, but balancing the body nutritionally and living non-toxically will benefit the parents by enhancing their energy levels and prevent them from developing signs of aging such as baldness, wrinkles, arthritis and osteoporosis. Living in a polluted and chemically laden world has given us new illnesses. A.D.D. type behavior may have been around for centuries, but never has there been today's numbers of afflicted children and adults. There is a correlation, and it's about time we stopped treating this illness with drugs and started eliminating the cause.
There are many natural treatments for A.D.D. that should be considered when being faced with the choice of drug prescriptions. Amino acids are a valuable nutrient in helping symptoms of A.D.D. Dimethylglycine (DMG), an amino acid found in foods such as rice hulls, chemically resembles water soluble vitamins such as the B family, has been used with autistic children with much success and in people with A.D.D. who exhibit similar brain dysfunctions. GABA (gamma-aminobutric acid) is extremely useful in treating anxiety, acting as a mild tranquilizer. Glutamine, a non-essential amino acid, may help to improve memory retention and recall. Taurine has been known to control hyperactivity and tyrosine is administered for depression and hypertension.
Garlic and green food supplements have a wonderful ability to nourish the immune system which may be compromised because of environmental illness or free radical damage. Aged garlic extract is anti inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal and has been reported to enhance brain nutrition and improve memory. It is also very helpful for stress reduction by lowering corticoid, a hormone secreted by the body during stress. Since many people with A.D.D. are found to be protein deficient, supplementation is necessary. Alternatives to animal protein include many of the greens supplements that contain kelp, blue green algae, chlorella, wheat and barley grasses. These plant proteins are actually more potent than animal protein and are more easily assimilated by the body.
A theory proposed by Dr. John Upledger of the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, stems from his clinical research with CranioSacral therapy. He believes that in many cases, A.D.D. stems from a dysfunction in the craniosacral system/. This system is comprised of the brain and spinal cord, the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, the surrounding membranes that enclose the brain, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid, and the bones of the spine and skull that house these membranes. He has found that many children with A.D.D. have their head shifted on their neck, prohibiting proper blood flow from the brain to the body. This agitates the nerve cells and promotes hyperactivity and inattention. On the ahead is repositioned, these symptoms disappear in patients who have no other A.D.D. causes. He also believes that initially, this head displacement may be caused by common birth procedures, where the baby is pulled from the birth canal by its head, causing the muscles to react and hold that displaced position from that time on. He has seen colicky babies stop crying instantly and change their behavior permanently, just by readjusting the cranial position. This upper cervical procedure is also performed by chiropractors trained in atlas subluxation adjustments. Other alternative approaches for healing A.D.D. are aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies, herbal, tachyonic energy, Chinese herbal treatments, and flower remedies. They should all be researched and considered before taking any drug which can only mask the cause and possibly lead to addiction.

*reprinted, courtesy of Nina Anderson and Dr. Howard Peiper, authors of A.D.D., The Natural Approach(book and cassette tape), and The A.D.D./A.D.H.D. DIET! They can be reached at 800-903-3837.

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