
Jewels of the Sea:    Completed April 7, 2008

Broken   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/other, Xander/Spike, Oz/Lindsey
Summary:  Spike learns something about Xander, and things change.
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Cake   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Xander finds out when Spike's birthday is, and decides to celebrate it.
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Coming Out   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Xander is dragged out of a closet he never knew he was in.
138 KB

Death Becomes Them
Warning: Bloodplay. Also, plenty of gore and violence...suicide, murder, torture. Lots of character death. Practically everyone, actually. Sorry if I happen to kill off someone you like, but...get over it. ::smirk::

Death Becomes Them   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Death comes to everyone...just not always in the way we would have anticipated.
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S/X-Files   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, Xander/Spike/Krycek
Summary:  Spike and Xander meet up with a Russian rat and some nosy Fibbies. X-Files crossover.
63 KB
Cascade of Blood   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, Xander/Oz, Spike/Oz, Xander/Spike/Oz
Summary:  Our vampy duo travels to Cascade, where they encounter an old acquaintance. Sentinel crossover.
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Doing It   NC-17
Fandoms:  Buffy, Highlander, Xena/Herc
Pairings:  Assorted
Summary:  Somebody graduates, and his lover decides to reward him. In assorted shapes and sizes for whatever tickles your...fancy.
Spike/Xander Style     Strife/Joxer Style     Richie/Methos Style
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A Fairy Tale   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, Giles/Ethan
Summary:  Think "Hansel and Gretel". Now, insert Spike and Xander instead. Slash it. What do you get?
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A Fairy Tale II   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, implied Angel/Dru, Willow/Tara, Lindsey/Oz/Graham
Summary:  Slashy Cinderella. Almost makes you tremble, doesn't it?
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A Fairy Tale III   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, implied Oz/Lindsey, Willow/Tara
Summary:  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - the true story. snerk
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Instant Karma   co-authored with Jess   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike, and maybe a few surprises
Summary:  Unbeknownst to Spike, his Sire had arranged a betrothal for him decades ago. Now, wedding bells are all set to ring...
Warning:  Bad, painful things happen. But no one dies. Well, at least not on-screen. ::smirk::
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Last Night of Our Lives   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  This is smut. That's it. Spoilers for "Spiral", though.
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Sweet Memories   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Spike and Xander encounter a powerful demon, and the resulting battle has life altering consequences.
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Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5

Past Tense Series - a telling of previous lives

Jewels of the Sea   Hard R
This could squick some people, as these are not technically human people that will be having sex. Mer sex is a little different (nothing too explicit, though).
Pairings:  X'an/S'ke
Summary:  X'an meets a skittish S'ke and befriends him. Events ensue wherein things happen.
Warning: Contains some character deaths.

What If?   R
Pairings:  Xander/William
Summary:  What if Giles weren't a Watcher? What if Spike weren't a vampire? What if it took Buffy just a few extra years to get to Sunnydale?
Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest   Part 1    Part 2   182 KB
Saga will not be continued

Xander Harris, Olympian Slut   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/just about everyone, but mostly Xander/Spike, Ares/Joxer, Strife/Cupid. Mostly. ::insert evil laughter here::
Summary:  Xander has a confession. So does Joxer.
Abandoned WIP

Odds an' Ends...
just some short little ficlets

Bunny Hop   PG-13
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  An Easter snippet.

Excerpts from the Diary of William Lesley Bradshaw   R
Pairings:  mentions of Spike/Dru, Spike/Harmony, Spike/Buffy, Spike/Xander. Maybe others.
Summary:  And just why wouldn't Spike keep a diary?

Full Moon   R
Pairings:  Oz/Lindsey
Summary:  Response to 100-word drabble challenge

Holiday Cheer   R (bordering on NC-17 for innuendo)
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Just a short series of unexpected (but not unwelcome!) Christmas...erm, presents.
    Mistletoe   R
    Eggnog   R
    Chestnuts   R
    Gingerbread   R
    Cider   R
    Peppermint Sticks   NC-17
    Bloodthirsty Cranberries and Dancing Sugarplums   PG-13

How To Cheer Up a Depressed Slash Writer   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Smut. That is all.

It's not easy...   PG-13
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  A St. Patrick's Day snippet.

Jess! ::huggles::   NC-17
Pairings: Spike/Xander
Summary: Gecko. Chocolate. Sex.

Midnight Clear   PG-13
Pairings: Spike/Xander
Summary: Xander's got the holiday blues; what's a horny Spike to do?

Press "2"   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Who knew Spike did that for an un-living?

Press...   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Xander makes another phone call....
Notes:  Sequel to Press "2"

The Suicide Plot   R
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Spike makes it better
Note:  In case you're worried, no one actually dies. :)

Tears   PG-13
Pairings:  Spike/Xander
Summary:  100-word drabble. Angsty. See title. I even managed to depress myself with this one.
Notes:  Not actually new, but something I never posted here.

The Things People Do   NC-17
Pairings:  Spike/Wesley
Summary:  Wesley convinces Spike to lend his expertise. Or...something like that.
Note:  This one is for Kiriana, who won a fic from me and asked for Spike/Wesley.

Turning Point   R
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Spike, Xander, and eternity.

Work Sucks   NC-17
Pairings:  Xander/Spike
Summary:  Ever just wanna hurt the morons you deal with at work? Warning:  Graphic violence and smut.

Feel free to e-mail me with comments, suggestions, encouragement, etc...

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