"This is the land of Narnia...all that lies between the lamp-post and the great castle of Cair Paravel on the eastern sea."

I thank you for visiting, kind friend. I trust your time here will be fulfilling, informative, and worthwhile.

Discover Narnia

Friends of Narnia, here are the Chronicles, retold for your enjoyment.

The Lay of the Land of Narnia

If you are not sure where your travels through Narnia may lead you, check the map.

**clickable version**

A History of Narnia

If you want to know how Narnian time correlates with our own, here are the timelines, side by side.

Fellow Narnians

If you do not know who Hogglestock was or what happened to Golg, you may want to look here. All Narnians (and non-Narnians) of mention are listed here.

Narnian Travel Guide

If you were a traveler in Narnia before The Last Battle this might be what your travel guide would say.

Narnian Insights

Could we have guessed that Susan would stray? What about Emeth? Here are some of my personal thoughts on Narnia.

Very Narnian Questions

Got a questions about Narnia? Send it my way and I'll post it here with these.
Updated 9/21/04

Narnian Poetry

Poems from the Chronicles.

Who is Aslan

Yes, He's the major character in Narnia, but there is more. Learn a little about His origins here.

Tour Narnia

Need more information about Narnia? Maybe some of these destinations will satisfy the need.

Own a piece of Narnia

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