Name = Onikage, The Red Dragon

Race = Other

Description = Dragonsti= Appearance: Imagine a human, about 6', with pointed ears... Well, Basically it's a human with a dragonic appearance. Pointed ears, Dragon-like eyes, and large, dragon-like wings protruding from back. All of a Dragonsti's clothing is human-like, but with modifications for the wings, usually nice, but with aggressive tendancies. Defense: 3 Attack/Power: 3 Technique: 5 Speed: 3 Wep: 2 Ship: 2

Sex = Male

Alighnment = Neutral

Ability 1 = Master in all close range combat, and in thrown weaponry

Ability 2 = Can Fly, top speed: 60 mph with great effort

Abilitty 3 = Telekenisis: Can lift objects (crates, people, light cars) and move them in air with mind (from gentle shove to hurling 20 feet into that brand new brick wall) The heavier the object, the less it can be lifted and the range it can be thrown decreases.

Char Height = 6'4

Char Weight = 180

Hair Color = Black

Eye Color = Dull Red, changes color with mood

Char Age = 28

Weapon = Inumerable throwing knives, Large, 5', 6", no-dachi (two-handed katana)