
Name = Koji

Race = Android

Description =

Sex = Male

Alighnment = Neutral

Ability 1 = Skilled at fist-fights

Ability 2 = Not effected by beer and ciggarettes

Abilitty 3 = Resouceful

Char Height = 5' 9" (180 cm)

Char Weight = 132 lbs.

Hair Color = Brown

Eye Color = Grey

Char Age = 19

Weapon = Handgun, and a crowbar


Name = Amoro Hida

Race = Android

Description =

Sex = Male

Alighnment = Neutral

Ability 1 = Scares people

Ability 2 = Excellent with no-dachi

Abilitty 3 = 'Berserker' fighting; when he fights, he is a lunatic with bloodlust

Char Height = 6' 7"

Char Weight = 162 lbs.

Hair Color = black

Eye Color = grey

Char Age = 21

Weapon = No-Dachi (7 ft. katana), Wakizashi