Name = Galexina Starina

Race = Other

Description = Konohetoin-Live on planet AQUARIS, known for secrets in every day objects, they can create a forcefield using the aquatic stone worn around their neck, they are also physic.

Sex = Female

Alighnment = Neutral

Ability 1 = Good at martial arts.

Ability 2 = Good looking and charming.

Abilitty 3 = Able to tame wild animals of any kind.

Char Height = 4ft 9

Char Weight = 100 lb

Hair Color = dark blue

Eye Color = Dark blue if she wishes to show you her pupil will light up and there is a map of a hidden galexy inside. When the pupil stops glowing the map of the planets seem to disapear.

Char Age = 11

Weapon = Double sided purple lite saver, gatilin gun, and dark blue energey balls.