Kathy Parker
My Photos
NZ Govt ESOL Site
My Thesis
Howick College
I am the Head of Language Support at a large secondary school in New Zealand. My husband is Head of Science at the same school. 

During 2005 I was attached to the Student Learning Centre at Auckland University to do research on CALL (Computer-assisted language learning) as part of a teaching fellowship administered by the Royal Society. I visited a number of different student centres in New Zealand and overseas to find out what CALL would be most suitable for secondary students. This research has been applied to the self-access centre we run in our department. In 2007 I finished my MA under the Applied Linguistics department of Auckland University on Self-Access and CALL. See the thesis in "links"

Reading and computers take up most of my time although I am active in a community church and support and help as I can Servants - a community-building group who live in the slums of Asia with the poor. I believe education and healthcare should be freely available to all.
We have two wonderful sons. Chris is running Youth drug and alcohol-free events and Nick is an food analyst and actively involved in running a Youth Group.