# filter.cfg for NMS 3.5 and above.                28 April 1999.
# Author: < bobp (a) tsc . com >     Technology Service Corp.
# Do not use the Administrator web interface to input or edit this file,
# or to commit changes!  Use a text editor such as Wordpad or vi.
# Do not use Notepad.  It may create a file with an incomplete end of line.
# I will not answer any email if you use the Admin interface!
# First check if user is authenticated.  If so, no further checking is
# necessary & exit.  This header appears ONLY if the user's password has
# been successfully verified on this server using Authenticated SMTP
# If you are using multiple NMSs that exchange mail and use AUTH SMTP, you
# may need to remove or modify this line.
Auth-Sender:envonly     ".+"                               EXIT
# Now check if sending system is on local network ( is ALWAYS needed)
# These patterns have been specifically designed to reject forgeries
# perpetrated by bogus rDNS entries.
Host-From:envonly       "\[127\.0\.0\.1\][^[]*$"           EXIT
# Change the following to match your network.  Change only the network numbers.
# For each additional trusted network, add a new line.  For class B networks
# use a pattern of the form "\[128\.10\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\][^[]*$".
# If your server is behind a firewall, you may have to use a different
# strategy depending on your firewall and network configuration.
# In some configurations, you can assume that any message with a "Host-From"
# that matches the firewall IP address originates from a remote system.
# For this case, add this line (assuming the firewall IP is
# Host-From:envonly      "\[192\.10\.20\.1\][^[]*$"    JUMP   "ChkAddr"
Host-From:envonly       "\[192\.10\.20\.[0-9]+\][^[]*$"    EXIT
# If we get here, mail is coming from foreign system
# Check for relay attempt in SMTP addressing
# Updated 28 May 1999 to handle path hacks ("!" in address)
# Updated 24 July 1999 to fix logic flaw for multiple Channel-To's.
# Also added additional pattern to check for <"user@x.com"@y.com>
# Prior version had '!JUMP' which would have accepted any message
# with a least one good address.  Thanks to Paul Pinocci of Booz,
# Allen & Hamilton for calling this to my attention.
:ChkAddr  Channel-To:envonly   "<@|<.*[%,:!]|<.*@.*@"   JUMP    "Bounce"
# Check all recipients against our primary local domain names.  If not a
# match, then the message is a relay attempt and we will bounce (REJECT) it.
# Modify this line with your domains.  Do NOT use multiple Channel-To
# filters to match your local domains.  Doing so results in opening up
# your server to relaying.  If you have a single domain, use a pattern
# of the form "[.@]ourdomain\.com>".  If there are too many domains to
# fit on one line, you will have to write an external program or script
# to verify the recipient domain which can be called with the RUN action.
# (See note below on using the RUN action).
# These patterns assume that you are using .COM domains.  If your domain
# is based on another Top Level Domain (TLD), you need to change them
# accordingly (these examples are patterns to be used in the :ChkRcpt line
# below, do *not* uncomment or edit the examples!) e.g.
#      "[.@](mydomain|otherdom)\.org>" or
#      "[.@](mydomain|otherdom)\.fr>" or
#      "[.@](mydomain|otherdom)\.co\.uk>" or
#      "[.@](mydomain|otherdom)\.k12\.portland\.me\.us>
# For a single domain, use:
#      "[.@]mydomain\.com>"
# If you are using two different TLDs, you will have to use a pattern of
# the form (assuming .NET and .CO.UK TLDs):
#      "[.@]((mydomain|otherdom)\.net|(name3|name4)\.co\.uk)>"
# The trailing ">" at the end of the pattern is required to guarantee the
# proper match.  Do not remove it.
:ChkRcpt  Channel-To:envonly  "[.@](mydomain|otherdom)\.com>"  !JUMP  "Bounce"
Host-From:envonly        ".*"        JUMP        "RcptOk"
# Someone is trying to relay.  Bounce the message.  If return address is
# invalid, messsage will end up in our postmaster mailbox.  Another option
# would be to send (DROP) it to designated local mailbox (such as "relay")
# like this ":Bounce  Host-From:envonly ".*"  DROP  "relay"
:Bounce  Host-From:envonly ".*"  REJECT  "Non-local addressee. We do not relay!"
Host-From:envonly          ".*"  EXIT
# When we get here, message is destined for local mailbox.
# Check for common spam fingerprints.  If found, re-route (DROP) message to
# user "spam"'s mailbox.  Check daily for false positives.  Some of these
# patterns may seem somewhat cryptic, but are based on analysis of thousands
# of UBEs and should trigger few false positives.
:RcptOk  Received  "GAA.*-0600.*EST"        JUMP    "Spam"
Received           "XAA.*-0700.*EDT"        JUMP    "Spam"
Received           "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"  JUMP    "Spam"
Received           "untrace?able"           JUMP    "Spam"
Received    "from (baby|bewellnet|kllklk) " JUMP    "Spam"
To                 "Friend@public\.com"     JUMP    "Spam"
To                 "user@the[-_]internet"   JUMP    "Spam"
Date               "/[0-9]+/.+[AP]M.+Time"  JUMP    "Spam"
Subject            "^\(?ADV?[:;)]"          JUMP    "Spam"
Message-ID         "<>"                     JUMP    "Spam"
Message-Id         "<>"                     JUMP    "Spam"
Message-Id         "<(419\.43|989\.28)"     JUMP    "Spam"
X-MimeOLE          "MimeOLE V[^0-9]"        JUMP    "Spam"
# Added 20-Jun-1999.  Appears to be broken spamware.
MIME-Version       "1.0From"                JUMP    "Spam"
# Added 28-July-1999.  Check X-Mailer for spamware.
X-Mailer           "DiffondiCool"           JUMP    "Spam"
X-Mailer           "Emailer Platinum"       JUMP    "Spam"
X-Mailer           "eMerge"                 JUMP    "Spam"
X-Mailer           "Crescent Internet Tool" JUMP    "Spam"
# Added 4-Apr-2000.  Check X-Mailer for Cybercreek Avalanche
X-Mailer           "Avalanche"              JUMP    "Spam"
# Added 28-July-1999.  Bcc to 10 or more recipients
Bcc                "@.*@.*@.*@.*@.*@.*@.*@.*@.*@"  JUMP  "Spam"
# Added 21-Oct-1999.  Subject contains 20 or more consecutive spaces
Subject            "                    "   JUMP  "Spam"
# Added 31-Mar-2000.  Invalid headers from MyGuestBook.exe CGI spamware
MessageID          "<.+>"                   JUMP  "Spam"
X-References       "0[A-Z0-9]+, 0[A-Z0-9]+$" JUMP "Spam"
X-Other-References "0[A-Z0-9]+$"            JUMP  "Spam"
X-See-Also         "0[A-Z0-9]+$"            JUMP  "Spam"
# Updated 28-Apr-1999.  Check for "Sender", "Resent-From", or "Resent-By"
# before "X-UIDL".  If found, then exit.
Sender             ".+"                     EXIT
Resent-From        ".+"                     EXIT
Resent-By          ".+"                     EXIT
# Updated 19-May-1999.  Check for "X-Mozilla-Status" before "X-UIDL".
X-Mozilla-Status   ".+"                     EXIT
# Updated 20-Jul-1999.  Check for "X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service"
# before "X-UIDL".
X-Mailer           "Internet Mail Service"  EXIT
# Updated 25-Oct-1999.  Check for "X-ID" before "X-UIDL".
X-ID               ".+"                     EXIT
# X-UIDL is a POP3 header that should normally not be seen 
X-UIDL             ".*"                     JUMP    "Spam"
# Some headers are valid only for the Pegasus Mail client.  So first check
# for Pegasus header and exit if found.  If not found, check for
# invalid headers: "Comments: Authenticated sender", "X-PMFLAGS" and "X-pmrqc".
X-mailer           "Pegasus"                EXIT
# Added 27-Aug-1999.  Pegasus now uses X-Mailer instead of X-mailer.
X-Mailer           "Pegasus"                EXIT
# Added 25-Oct-1999.  Check for X-Confirm-Reading-To.
X-Confirm-Reading-To ".+"                   EXIT
#  Check for invalid Pegasus headers
Comments           "Authenticated sender"   JUMP    "Spam"
X-PMFLAGS          ".*"                     JUMP    "Spam"
X-Pmflags          ".*"                     JUMP    "Spam"
X-pmrqc            ".*"                     JUMP    "Spam"
Host-From:envonly  ".*"                     EXIT
# Spam detected.  Drop all recipients and send to "spam" mailbox.  Check this
# mailbox daily for false positives.
:Spam  Host-From:envonly ".*"        DROP        "spam"
Host-From:envonly        ".*"        EXIT

    Source: geocities.com/k9sql