Pics From Around The K2CD Shack

A Modest Station


The K2CD antenna farm is not as elaborate as I'd like it to be. The fact is I'm on a very small lot. The primary antenna is a Mosley TA-33 Jr. with the WARC band add-on kit. It sits atop a 40 foot "Heights" free-standing aluminum tower. I shunt feed the tower and have a radial system for 75 meters. It plays quite well there. Also pictured is a GAP Challenger DX-VIII vertical, and a sloping dipole fed with 450 ohm ladder line. Not pictured, but in the arsenal is a G5RV in an inverted vee configuration, which I can use clip on extension wires for use on 160 meters. I also have the obligatory VHF antennas; (2) 5 element quads, and a J-Pole.

HF Rigs

Here's a few views of the equipment at K2CD. Again, nothing really elaborate. A 7 year old Kenwood TS-850S/AT is the main HF transceiver. I've put quite a lot of hours on this puppy! I also have a Kenwood TS-440S/AT as a back-up rig. I do a bit of contesting when time allows, and felt it absolutely necessary to have at least one other HF rig in the shack, just in case Murphy comes to visit in the middle of a test! Also pictured is an Ameritron AL-811H linear amplifier. It's good for 800W pep. I feel this station neither falls into the "little pistol", or "big gun" category. I kind of like to think of it as a "sawed-off shotgun!"

VHF Rigs

Did I mention that Matamoras, PA is in a hole? Really! My QTH sits right next to the Delaware River, and is surrounded by hilly terrain. Consequently I don't do very much on VHF/UHF etc. Pictured here is an Icom IC-251A 2 Meter all-mode rig, with a Ten-Tec 1209 2 Meter to 6 Meter Transverter. I take it with me when I drive up to High Point State Park, which at approx. 1,800 ft. is the highest point in the state of New Jersey. High Point is only a few minutes from my home, which makes it one of those "obstacles" that get in the way of my VHF operating! :-) I also have an Icom 281H 2 meter mobile rig. I'm not very active on 2 meter FM, but do pop in there once in a while. Also making a "cameo appearence" in the 2'nd picture is a Kantronics KPC-3 packet TNC- my link to Packetcluster node N2BIM. Thanks for maintaining the Cluster, Gene!

Contest Awards

As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy contesting. I'm not what you'd call a "rabid" contester, though. I prefer the domestic contests like the ARRL Sweepstakes, PA QSO Party, ARRL 10 meter, and 160 meter contests. When the major DX contests are on the air, you'll find me trying to sniff out those rare ones I need for an all time new one, or a tough new band/mode counter. My most exciting moment in contesting had to be when I worked VE2FFE for the PQ section, in the last 6 minutes of the CW Sweepstakes, earning my first ever Clean Sweep!

More Wallpaper

Somewhere inside of me lives a frustrated paper chaser. My obsessive compulsive behavior makes it very difficult for me to submit my cards for the awards I'm working on. I'm currently "sitting on" about 1,500 QSL cards which I haven't yet submitted for the various DXCC awards. I keep setting new goals (finding new excuses) which prevent me from taking the plunge. I think I fear losing the cards in the process of their being checked. Is anyone feeling up to taking a ride to Newington with me? :-)

Miscellaneous Pics

Finally, after devoting an entire page to pictures of keys, I thought it only fair to give equal time to at least one microphone. It's a cheapo studio type mic with a Heil element inside (remember that story about the MC-60A I ruined?). The mounting hardware is courtesy of Radio Shack, and the foot-switch is from my Heil Pro-Set. The last pic is a shameless plug for my favorite logging program- Hyperlog. I've been running Hyperlog now for about 5 years without a glitch. Visit the Hyperlog Website to learn more about this super logging program!

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