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JWA Scouting Report

The JWA Scouting Report will on a semi-weekly basis take a look at a few individual wrestlers of the JWA. Keep in mind just because your wrestler is not reviewed this week…there’s always next week.

The contents within the JWA Scouting Report are my views alone, and not the views of the JWA President Paul Chadman or any other JWA employees.

In this weeks report these three-new JWA wrestlers will go under review: Dark Sentry, Peyton Bryce, and Clark Gregory.

Dark Sentry Dark Sentry, is a wrestler I can see making it big in the JWA due to dedication. Even during the JWA’s most recent slump, due to -=-a fall from grace-=- III, Dark Sentry was very audible in his first week signing with the JWA.

You have to respect that, and you also have to respect the fact that receiving almost a zero response he didn’t fold and take off. He’s a talented individual…both in the interview room, and the ring. And just coming off a win with Blind Justice on the horizon I see Sentry playing his part in it…somehow.

Something else that surprised me is that he threw out the name Jon Prophet. Everyone who remembers Jon raise your hand…Looks like a good count to me. Jon was the one time leader of the Guild, and a long time "AOWF" community wrestler. I was really surprised to see Dark Sentry throwing the word respect around. You don’t see that too much from guys outside this community.

Another thing about Sentry is he seems to recognize his place within the JWA. Yeah sure he’s confident…who isn’t, but he has a lot more going on upstairs then any acre to notice.

Peyton Bryce Cocky, arrogant, snotty, and egotistical…Normally that makes for a decent wrestler both in the ring and out of the ring, but Peyton lacks something…now what is that…ah yes, respect for tradition.

Opps, there goes a half-a-dozen retired "AOWF’ers" rolling in their wheel chairs. Seriously…I can’t stand it when some upstart enters this community and spits upon what amount of tradition we have left. Hell even Greg Eskridge in the end knew there were some things in this community to respect. Ah, but here’s Mr. Bryce mocking the longest tradition in the "AOWF" community…that being ffg.

Well, I can understand how a talentless rookie might be upset that he wasn’t invited to ffg, and therefore would berate the event. I can understand that really, but it still doesn’t make it right.

Ah, well we get this from time to time. A young guy comes into the community and thinks that he’s actually going to change every aspect of this community, and they try…boy do they try. Then a month or two passes, and they eventually conform. Either care about the community and it’s tradition or get out.

Clark Gregory You know…I thought Latex Lex was as bad as it got…Then Clark showed up again.

Banned in the BEW and a countless other number of federations I sit and wonder "How did he worm his way into the JWA?" Especially having viewed his first interview upon signing with the JWA…WHAT!?! President Chadman, I thought your program ran off a PG-13 rating? What I saw the other day went beyond the level of social significant TV right into quadruple-X.

I don’t see Mr. Gregory’s career in the JWA as being particularly long, and you can be sure that I will do everything in my power to see that this man is banned from wrestling, tried in a court of justice, and thrown into the deepest darkest cell to be found. Mr. Gregory, simply put…you disgust me.-

Thus concludes another ground breaking edition of the JWA Scouting Report. An analysis of the newest members of the JWA.

BUT! Before I go I have a few parting words. Bryan Mercy’s, self-recognized title…ingenious. Keith Wildwing’s, devotion to his title and federation incrediable, and Malibu Magee’s, for finally leaving the JWA.

I give props to Keith and Bryan for remaining true to their federation even in light of -=-a fall from grace-=- III.

Mr. Wildwing, I want to personally commend you for being a true champion for the JWA, and showing the new comers to this federation that it is a federation to be taken seriously.

Mr. Mercy…well you never cease to amaze me. You have catapulted yourself into the spotlight with brash moves like this.

Malibu, because you don’t deserve the name Magee until you start acting like a Magee, good to see you’ve come to your senses, and left the JWA were wanna-be’s don’t belong.

And with that I leave you.

Benjamin James Duke