This javascript is self-explanatory. It is a very popular javascript for pages, although I still can't think of a great use for this script. Webrings use a spin-off CGI script for visiting random pages in a webring. Anyway, if someone finds a great use for this script, e-mail me and tell me what it is.

The source...

<script language="Javascript">
// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas -

var currentdate = 0
var theranlink = " "
var core = 0

function StringArray (n) {
  this.length = n;
  for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) {
    this[i] = ' '


link = new StringArray(10)
link[0] = ''
link[1] = ''
link[2] = ''
link[3] = ''
link[4] = ''
link[5] = ''
link[6] = ''
link[7] = ''
link[8] = ''
link[9] = ''

var ran = 60/link.length

function ranlink() {
  currentdate = new Date()
  core = currentdate.getSeconds()
  adcore = Math.floor(core/ran)
  core = adcore
    theranlink = link[core]
    self.location = theranlink

document.write("<a href='javascript:ranlink()'>Random Link</a>")
