This is an enhanced version of the Menu Links script. The new features in this include multiple-option showing and one-click transferal (instead of having to press a "go" button). The advanced version of the script is not really that much different in design than the original; but I had a lot of people ask me how to change it around, so I decided to make a seperate example.
The source..

<script language="Javascript">
// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas -

function go2place() {
document.location = document.advml.uls.options[document.advml.uls.selectedIndex].value

<form name="advml">
<select name="uls" onchange="go2place()" size="5" multiple>
<option value="">Nic's Javascript Page
<option value="">RT: The Ring
<option value="">ASCE
<option value="">Pit Bull Stands
<option value="">Geocities

This is the number of rows that the menu takes up, thus the amount of pages that the viewer can see at one time. Change this to the URL of the page where you want the user to go to if he selects that.
Change this to the name that you want users to see when they are selecting a page.