Maria Joan David Palenzuela
Kwangyang Site
Vardys Road Public School
Crime library
My Photo Album
My Brother's Page-Darwyn
I am your not so-typical cool, crazy Aquarian. 
I'm born in the small tranquil province of Guinobatan Albay, Philippines.  In Jan 26, 1987 our family migrated to Sydney, Australia where I spent more than a decade of my life.  Before I completely lose faith on the Education system, I've decided to say good-bye to my colleagues and family and re-charge my batteries in a new teaching environment.  This leads me to where I am now, Korea.
I enjoy singing, dancing, shopping, reading, talking, talking, talking...My interest is piqued whenever I want to try something new or unbelievable.  Remember, "don't bag it 'till you've tried it!"
I'm a mongrel, an Aussie term referring to a mix-breed. Somewhere along our family 'oak' tree the roots reached China and Spain.  There's 8 people in my family.  My parents,(Josefino and Nelly); 4 brothers, (Joel,Neil,Dennis, Darwyn); 1 older sister(Neliza) and Moi.  I'm 5th in the family.  Since, we are Roman Catholics it's important that we continue the family line.  All my older siblings (3 brothers and sis) are married.  Each pair have a child or three.  New addition is CC, Neil and Charo's little girl, whom I have yet to see!!  My sister is expecting her baby anytime soon!! The 3rd generation of Aussie Palenzuela will soon total 6!

I'm pretty choosy when it comes to my inner sanctum of friends.  The great thing about these friends is that neither time, distance or change of situation alters our relationship.  Even if I don't keep in touch for months or even years - once we communicate it's as if time never passed.  I'm lucky to know them.  Kylie, Darika, Fred, Alwyn, Sarah, Tracey, Jhoie, Toby, Larry,Andrea, Lehar, LaiChin

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