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My name is Spike. So we don't have a misunderstanding I want you to know that I am very much a lady, an assertive lady, but a lady none the less. There is a link to my autobiography further down. I have had an interesting life. I am also top cat and rule my family with a stern paw. If my mean brofur, Buster, doesn't get that figured out real quick he is going to be auctioned on eBay!

I am furry proud to be a Marquessa at CLAW.

Maturity has helped me to expand my horizons. I am the Co-Chaircat for the Older Cats Society. It is a great place to share memories and experiences, have fun and discussion topics current to older kitties. If mewr are a senior cat pad on over and visit.
The OCS is an Associate of CLAW.

My Older Cats Society Page

In between naps, in my spare time, I like to study. I will be receiving a Masters Degree from the CLAW in Sports and Recreation in May. I have several other degrees from CLAW University. You can see all diplomas on my CLAW page. It will be up shortly.

Hmmm, in addition to being a beautiful and intelligent cat I am a tad on the rotund side. Actually I think it all fluff but I joined the Roly Poly Rawers and we sure do have fun.

A kitty needs to have fun and play no matter how mature they are. The Fuzzy Kitties Society is my place to play and socialize. We have lots of games and activities. I enjoying visitng with all the ofurr kitties on our egroup. The Brewer Gang has a Fuzzy Kitties Page. Take a peak and see all our awards.

I am also a purroud memfur of The Cats Meow Club. I also have a degree from TCMC Cativersity and a dorm room.

Well, back to the "f" word. Fat is fun really does make being fat fun. We have exercise rooms, gardens, recipes, and fun events. And you have to be fat!

Yes, I am a pampered cat! I belong to the Pampered Princess Club. What I love best is the secret pal exchange. It is wonderfur fun.

 CLAW Memories

 My Hobby Pages (eating shrimp)

  My Autobography

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