Best viewed with Lina's Hand. Download here.

My name is Samatha Sue Brewer but mew may call me Sammy. All my friends do. I really feel the need to mention this. It seems that adopting cats frum shelters is a bid deal right now. I didn't come frum a shelter. My Meowmie knew my furmom. She and Farfur has just gotten married the week before they met me. Some furriends decided it would be great if they had a cute little baby. My litermate and I were taken to the Farmer's Market in Las Cruces, NM and Meowmie was given a choice of kittens. She, of course, feel head offur heals in luff with cute little me.

All kitties need homes not just strays!


In the past I have been more concerned with scholastic endeavours. The past year I have taken off from my job and my studies for a contemplative respite. My attention has now turned to friends, fun and developing my feline characteristics. I prefer to ignore my siblings so I spend most of my time at TCMC Dorm. If I'm not in there you will find me at the BFCC.

"Where Fluffy Tails Rule!"


The Back Fence Cat Club is my 'Cyber Hangout'


Socialize with cool, elite cats from all over the world. Join our adventures and parties. We dress up, eats LOTS of fish, have parties and, if possible, disturb the neighbors. Once in a great while, not too often, we have some worthwhile activities.

I am the Guildmistress at TCMC Cativersity Dorms. I am working my paws to the bones trying to get it up and purring. I haven't managed to get all the forms working right. Hissss


My Dorm Room - Come Visit. Da door is almost always open. I love attending calsses and expanding my mind. Someday I will have a Dr. in front of my name. At present I just haf too much to do! Want to see all my degrees? You will find them in my Scrapbook.

Have mew visited The Back Alley Mall? Dere are the most delightful shops to be found anywhere. I am currently on leave of abscense but when I get back I plan some wonderful activities as well as opening my own furniture and interior decorating shop. I luff decorating!

Gardening is a furry special time fur me to spend wif my Meowmie. As a memfur of The Flower Society I can share those experiences wif my others. I tend to get along wif my younger siblings much beffur in the garden too. Gardening Scrapbook

To my great honor I am a Duchess of Claw. I have been a memfur of CLAW since the first night I joined the Brewer Family. I have many wonderfur memories from CLAW.


CLAW Memories - When I first joined CLAW , it was for cats who rule which of course I do. CLAW Kittengarten gave me my luff fur learning.


CLAW - Now at CLAW we purr and serve. All kitties learn to be honorable and of value to all whose lives they touch. That is really hard to do when mew don't like mewr younger siblings.

Yep, that's right! I am an astrocat. Actually an inactive memfur. It is my favorite guild and I read all the entries effury much. Cats in space is as much fun as a science fiction convention. My Cats In Space Scrapbook Page.

Spike and I both belong to Fuzzy Kitties. It is the one interest we have in common. Fuzzies is a great place fur kitties to get together and relax. Our Fuzzies Scrapbook Page.

One of my all time favorite guilds was Paint Shop Pro. It is where I learned to make all kinds of graphics. That guild no longer exsists but mew can see some of my work and awards. I worked furry hard fur every banner on My Scrapbook Pages.


Cats Online was anotfur wonderfur graphics guild that I enjoyed furry much. It was much harder. Take a peak at some of my projects and my award.

Of course I have jobs at home too. I am the interior decorator fur our family. I prefur clear spaces on furniture. When Meowmie puts something on a table or dresser that does not fit my tastes I just sweep it onto the floor wif my paw. She has furry bad tastes!

Another job in our family is Entertainment Director. It is a challenge. My sisfur, Spike, humans, and dogs are all getting up in years. Laying around looking in boxes just isn't healthy. I work furry hard at keeping them moving and in good spirits. With three younger kittens to plan activities to work off there energy is quite a challenge also. I work hard at my job. To make sure that I am treated fairly and with just compensation I have joined the WWWCW (World Wide Working Cats on the Web).

Neffur forget that I am a furry pampered kitty. As such I am a memfur of Hopes Pampered Princess Club. I am well and truly a princess of my household

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