T O O Y A   C E N T E R
Welcome to Tooya's Corner!  There's info, Tooya's Phone Booth, Tooya's HELP-LINE, Tooya's Web Tips, Tooya Express *updates*, and Tooya's Album! *coming soon*
Let me introduce myself...unhem *clear throat*
Name: Tooya
Blood type: AB
Birthdate: Unknown
*I can't remember a thing*
Age: 20 and up*Now I'm getting embarassed!~;;*
Most prized posession: My sword
Love at first sight: AYA~
T O O Y A  E x p r e s s!!
T O O Y A  Help Line!!
Jan 14th 01'-New member to Fanclub!!

Dec 26th 2k-Lots of adopted ppl!~adoption center updated!

Dec 13th 2k-New member!

Dec 3rd 2k-^_^;; Um..well...I am married to Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing~ Way cool~

Nov 23rd 2k-Chibi Tooya adopted!

Oct 13th 2k-New Awards! Now there's the "Fun Awards".  Hope I'll be seeing ppl applying for them.
My 24-hour help line!


Press on it any time when you have a problem about my fanclub or just a question you have for me! And if you've got something to say about this fanclub, go to the
Tooya Phonebooth to leave a message! thank you~
(it is my guestbook) Support me!~ ^-^ ~
Tooya's Web Tips:
How to drive traffic to your site?  Get people with the same interest to link you to there page, join webrings, join a good linking page like Anipike, join up with Netscape, check how good "your" site is at the Web Site Garage, and remember to join my FANCLUB....^^
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