:: Award Won Page 2::
Christi-chan's Beautiful Site Award
Christi-chan's Ultimate Layout Award
Christi-chan's Cute Site Award
WOW!  ^_^ Three award altogether at the same time! I mean...Thank you Christi-chan for giving me these awards...it brings my confidence right up...~Awarded to my Tooya Fanclub~
February 12th 2000
Thankz a lot to Cookie-chan!!  It is so cool that my website name is on it too!!
=P~ drools...*tiniz-chan snaps out of it fast*...
Click to visit Cookie-chan's ANC CRUSH!

February 13th 2000
This award is from Ms. Misato^^ I finally have an award of Excellence awarded to my T.A.Y.A. Fanclub^^
February 25th 2000
From Ms. Misato^^ awarded to my Tooya Fanclub~ February 26th 2000
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