
Rich Bellacera's excellent Micro of SubbieFirst Appearance: Kid Komics #1 (February 1943).
Golden Age Appearances: Kid Komics #1-2.
Modern Appearances: None.
Years Active: 1943-?

Subbie was a miniature version of Namor the Sub-Mariner. The only origin given for Subbie was in a caption, where he was described as being "Father Neptune's own nephew." In his first appearance he was bored and went to Father Neptune and was given a sailor's uniform and a PT boat, and armed with both he went out to fight crime and the Axis. His resemblance to Namor, in power, appearance, and attitude, is noted by the kids, and it was implied that the link between the two would be explored in the future, but nothing more was ever done with Subbie.

He has Namor's powers, although he does not have winged ankles and cannot fly.

Note: It has been bruited about that Subbie appeared in All-Winners #19 as Namor's sidekick. This is not so.

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