Goldilocks And The Three Pigs

Page created 25 Jan 02 - last up date 25 Jan 02

Once upon a time there was a Fuller Brush salesperson name Goldilocks. She was far below her quota of brushes. She was told to sell, sell, sell.

"I must try harder. I'll start at that straw house," she said to herself. She walks up the sidewalk and knocks on the door. Then knocks again. There was still no answer. "I'll try the door, I'm sure they can't hear me knock." She tried the door and found it to be locked. "Darn, darn, darn. This makes me mad," she said. She kicked the door in disgust and it flew across the house. It hit the wall and the house collapsed.

She turned and ran from the house. She walked along the road until she came to the next house.

This house was of sticks must really need my very fine brushes." She skips up the sidewalk and taps on the door. "Hello, Fuller Brush," she sings. There was no answer. She pounds on the door. "I said Fuller Brush," she yells. There was still no answer. She hits harder and harder. The house starts to cave in and left Goldilocks standing in a pile of firewood. "Oh my. They sure don't build very good houses around here," she said, leaving.

She walked a little farther until she came to a large brick house. "Guess I should try here," she said aloud. She slowly walks up the sidewalk and knocks on the door. The door flies open. "What ya want," said a fat pig? "I'm your Fuller Brush person. You need brushes, I got 'em," she said with a big smile. "Brushes! I don't need any brushes. What I need is 3s. You got any 3s," asked the pig? "I'm sure I do, someplace. May I come in," she asked?

The pig stepped back and Goldilocks walked in. "Well, I got in. Now I'll try to find that brush," she said to herself. She sat her sample case on a table and looked up. There sat two other pigs and a big wolf playing cards. "Come meet the guys," said the pig. Goldilocks stood frozen to the floor. The pig stands by the wolf and said, "This is Wolfy Wolf. Come over and meet him." "The only wolf I want to meet is a Hollywood Wolf," she said.

"What kind of brushes did you want?" asked Goldilocks. "I don't want any brushes, I want 3s," said the pig. "What are 3s?" she asked. "We are playing our every-other-Monday Go Fish game," said the wolf. "But this is Friday," she said. "I know," added the pig. "We played Old Maid on Monday. We had to play Go Fish some day, so we chose Friday. We just never changed the date."

"Does this mean you're not going to buy any of my brushes," she asked? "I might need a few. Come on to my house," said the smaller pig. "Oh, how can I thank you?" asked Goldilocks closing her sample case. "I live in the straw house just down the road," said the smaller pig. "I'll do whatever I can to help you." I live in the house made of sticks," said the other pig.

"I just remember I have customer in the next state," Goldilocks said running out the door. She slams the door behind her. She stops in her tracks and slowly turns back to look at the house. The house still stands. The smaller pig opens the door and said, "Did you change your mind?" "No," she yells turning and running down the road. "I wonder if selling Avon is as rough?" she asks herself.

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