Mount's Life


I am the proud father of a new baby girl...

We named her Genevieve Elise. Pretend you are snooty and French, and you might get the pronunciation. I can't do true phonetics (don't have the schwa or vowel descriptors), but it's pronounced "Zhawn Vee Ev Ay Lease" not "Jen E Veev Eh Lease."


I'm too cool for school!

My new favorite hairstyle.

Helping Grandma read the paper.

Hooray for spring!


Are we there yet?

Finally at Six Flags, yay!

My first amusement park ride.

Get used to this daddy. Ten more years and this is how I'll always look.

I still need naps now, though.

Mommy and Daddy thought I needed some new toys, hooray!

Well, that's all for now. Check back often (not everyday. I do have a life away from the internet.) for updates...
