Hping, the thing I always wanted to have!

Hping is the thing I always wanted to have! You can do so many 'beautiful' things with it that you'll forget most of the ways to do the things. So, here goes a 'blog' that reminds me of a way to pass files across firewalls or across machines or...etc.
 1. How do I send a file through a racist firewall?

    Suppose you want to send a file from 
            Machine A ( -> Machine B (

    On, machine B do:

     [machine B]
     hping2 -I eth0 -9 SIGN

    Now, on machine A do:

     hping2 -I eth0 -d 100 --sign SIGN --file ./test.txt -i 20

    Here, -I         option fixes the NIC
          -d         number of bytes to include in a single packet
          --sign     SIGN to add infront of every packet
          --file     which file to send?
          -i         interval? just wait 20 second before sending the 
                     next packet (-c 1 should be appropriate)

    Other options that might interest you,

          -a         spoof source address
          -s         spoof source port
          -p         spoof dest port

    ** Now in the manual of hping author says to use --safe option while
       doing file transfer, but whenever I use `--safe' options it
       fails for some reason. I guess the problem is somewhere in the
       resolve logic (main.c file):

   /* get target address before interface processing */
   if ((!opt_listenmode && !opt_safe) && !opt_rand_dest)
      resolve((struct sockaddr*)&remote, targetname);

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