Duplex printing

I use:

   a2ps ascii.txt | lpr

to print my files to our EPSON LP-9200PS3 printer. However, a2ps command(a perl script actually) doesn't have duplex printing option in it, so I can't print both side of a paper! (a waste of paper). So, I added two lines in the original a2ps command that enables me print on both sides of a paper. Here's both original and modified version:

Original version

Modified version

With this new version you can do the following and can have duplex priting:

   a2ps ascii.txt | lpr

So, what happens when you do printing with dvips? I do the following:

   dvips -h duplex file.dvi | lpr

where duplex . It's a little bit pain to type it again and again. So, I save duplex file in $HOME/MYCOMMANDS/ and add an alias entry in my .cshrc file:

   alias dvips 'dvips -h $HOME/MYCOMMANDS/duplex \!*'

So, you can do:

   dvips -f file.dvi | lpr

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