Hashers have been described as a bunch of drinkers with a running problem. In truth you need be neither a drinker nor a runner to have fun with us. We're a social group that meets for a short run (less than 1 hour) followed by a gathering where some beer flows. But if you don't run , don't worry, we've very few athletes in our numbers, and quite a few people who just enjoy a jog or a stroll. Indeed we discourage people from taking the running too seriously.
It's the same with the drinking. Please enjoy a few beers with us (it's the cheapest in town, at Rp30,000 for as much as you want) but if you don't want to, then just have water or soft drinks, or return to town.
The important things are, you have the opportunity to get some exercise, meet some fun people, and get out of the city and see some places many expats didn't know existed. You join by turning up at a run. You'll find a whole bunch of expats of various nationalities as well as locals.
Most runs start at 17:00 hours at some place within an hours drive from central Jakarta. Sites are chosen in various localities, but typically many runs are in the countryside just off the Jagorawi toll. Runs last for about an hour - no longer - because it tends to get dark after 18:00 hours. The social gathering, known as "the circle" or "on-on" usually goes on until 20:00 when some of us repair for makan, either at a local warung or a restaurant on the way back to town.

There are several flavours of Hash House Harriers in Jakarta.

On Monday there is Jakarta HHH, who like to think they're a bunch of macho men. Their circle includes singing and jokes. Women are "tolerated", but few turn up these days. you can find their "hash sheet" which describes weekly activities, at Mamas Kitchen, Sportsman, and Akbar palace. Contact Herb Boltong for information (7179 0604). Or visit their web site:
JH3 website

The Pussy Hash, or Jakarta Hash House Harriettes run on Wednesdays. You can find a seperate reference to them in the Expat Index. It is a Ladies Hash, which means it is run by ladies, but men are welcome, as long as they respect female domination, and often there are more men than ladies. Their runs tend to be gentler than the mens, and their circle features singing and games. Hash sheets as above. Contact Claire Price (0816 190 9283). Their web site is rarely up to date but you might be lucky if some fella took pity on them
JH3 Pussy

Batavia Hash House Harrier Hoons (BH4) meet on Thursdays. This a strictly male preserve, except on the last Thursday of every month when there is a mixed run. Their circle is characterized by interactive repartee between participants resulting in reward or punishment. These are identical - a mug of beer. But have no fear, just come and enjoy it, you don't have to get pissed. Contact Bruce Harker (7179 2925) or visit the web site:
BH4 Website

TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) run on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. This is a mixed hash, and run by a team of men and ladies. Their circle is interactive in the same way as BH4 but is somewhat more easy going. Hash sheets as before. Contact Murray Sharr (0811 138 486) or Lisa Gomolski (0811 853 518). Their web page is
TGIF Jakarta

JAVA Hash House Horrors run on the last Sunday of every month at 10:00 am. This is a kids (all ages) hash, run by kids with just a bit of help. Run fees are : Horrors Rp 10,000 - Minders (ladies) Rp 20,000 - (men) Rp 25,000. Hashsheets are available at: MAMA's KITCHEN in KEMANG, the SATU LAGI BAR at the HOTEL KRISTAL. Contact Rosita Verdooren (390 5212).

If you would like further information, send me an e-mail:
Witless W