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Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager

Fiction and Poetry

Next Generation

Getting to Know You: Spot

Rating: G
Size: 8K
Summary: Data's cat Spot fills out one of those personal-question emails.

Guinan's Smile

Codes: G
Rating: NC-17
Size: 4K
Summary: Guinan remembers the best part of the Nexus.

A Moment of Pleasure

Codes: C/Brenna O'Dell
Rating: NC-17
Size: 33K
Summary: Brenna O'Dell meets Doctor Crusher, and they hit it off despite some misunderstandings.


Unicorn Hunt

Size: 2K
Summary: Janeway dreams. f/f.

Stone Waking

Size: 3K
Summary: B'Elanna dreams symbolically.

The Rakudo

Codes: N, Tu, filk, xover, AU
Rating: PG
Size: 20K
Summary: Response to Raku’s challenge for a crossover story involving Neelix, Tuvok, and Cam**le P**lia. I added Gilbert and Sullivan and Bubba, an ASC troll.


Codes: J/Kes
Rating: NC-17
Size: 6K
Summary: Janeway records a letter to Kes. After "The Gift." Response to the Femme Fuh-q Fest and the letter challenge.

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