
Red eyes, in the city of Sodome,
Collect beautiful women
They drug them as moths or day butterflies
You who can't move, you are mine
You don't need a heart
Your fingers don't want to touch my love
Blue eyes whirl in the night
Mosaïc of despair and insanity
I make you taking refuge into the darkness
And there I water your roses
Eyes love you, but my heart can't love you so
Venus of my imagination
My eyes love you, let's love each other
On the phantom of my dreams's room
Eyes love you, but now
They have lost you
My eyes loves you, they close in their tears
It's my dream, I want to make you dancing
... dreams are judged without any law
A short while ago I heard you twisting an angel's neck
My love is going to pass away
You don't need a heart
If you knew people, none would be sad about that
Eyes love you, but my heart can't love you so
Venus of my imagination
My eyes love you, let's love each other
On my phantom of my dream's room
Eyes love you, but now
They have lost you
My eyes loves you, they close in their tears
It's my dream, I want to make you dancing