'Rejoice, as I do, and adsist that I shall be delivered of this corruption, and put on incorruption, for I am assured that I shall, for losing of a mortal life, find an immortal felicity.' - Jane in the letter written on the blank pages of her Greek Testament to her sister Katherine - February 10th 1554

'If justice is done with my body, my soul will find mercy with God. Death will give pain to my body for its sins, but the soul will be justified before God. If my faults deserve punishment, my youth at least, and my imprudence were worthy of excuse; God and posterity will show me favour.'
Jane's last farewell to the world of the living, contained in three sentences, the first in Latin, the second in Greek, the third in English - composed on the night of February 11th 1554

eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Suffolk, great-niece of Henry VIII
born October 1537, executed 12th February 1554



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