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View the World Map of Jamie Posemania Here!
Last Updated
September 17 2003
The results of the Jamie Pose awards have been counted...View the winners here!
The Staff
The dude known as Griffo - soon to become a model! :P Inski, wasting one of his passport photos to bring you this legendary Jamie Pose.
Cause of most 6th form tom foolery, Aled "the man" Fantastic.
The Amateurs
The very luvly Becca, and the very strange Zoe, oh and Aledo in all his manly glory!
A Bigger and down right better Blazin' Squad.
Wee little Ricci (almost too wee).
The Great minds of our generation.
Hooper's lil nephew, wikid!
Bethan has worked hard to get this attempt of the jamie pose to us, and it has to be said its a good one.
All I can say is, it Huge!, like a babies arm holding an apple.
Dickson from the block!
5some, Wahey!
Click to enlarge.
Wee lil Ricci's wee lil brother Shaun!
Tyrell the happy bugger.
Hawkins..his forhead is thought to be some kinda tresure map..
Here is and example of a mummy from egypt, this man died for his pure dedication to the pose.
Simon showing us waht a Man o' class he really is with this pose from th e6th form block.
Lil Ricci's dog, giving us and insite into the the world of the animal Jamie pose.
A combined Jamie pose, by the The loveable hunk of a man Aled and mere man Griffo.
International Posers
They call him Liner, hes from Holland.
Posemania is running throughout the globe!
zaakje...from Schiedam in Holland...The 1st Non-Welsh Jamie Poser Hurray!
strife from Amsterdam, Holland...The place to be.
Trancer from Zutphen, Holland giving us his version of the pose, and a damn good one too :P
blaze` from NYC, currently living in Las Vegas, Our 1st Non-European Jamie Poser :D
Scain, the roleplaying guy, from Houston, Texas! :P
Prefab - also from Zutphen, Holland!
Fuzzy, he be from Apeldoorn, Holland.
CJ, daughter of Tree...also from York, England (duh!) Youngest yet.
Tree, mother of CJ! Of York, England!
birdz` & Dougie from Ottawa, Canada!
Kesek from Canada, now living in Poland, the Jamie Pose is spreading further than ever!
Guyvah from Newcastle, another one of the Semi-International Posers!
Ben...living in    Bedford, England.
Yeah hes not THAT International but he aint welsh neither. :P
Ondr3j` from the Czech Republic, another country to add to the Jamie Pose collection!
Saint from North-East Poland - the first Pole of the quest!
blasocke, the 2nd instalment from Finland! Not to be messed wiv. :P
FunkyPink...*also* from York, England!
Preathor from Slovenia, another first of a new country. :D
Whale`` from Finland thinking about sea creatures as per usual.
A combined effort from the Liner and strife^` massive :P Carovnica the 2nd Slovenian!
Kayos^ of Australia, bringing the Jamie Pose into its 4th continent!
shimmer from South Korea, our 1st Asian!
Haziltje from Sheffield!
Eeeeeeevultje from Holland! SoundLad the Scouser.
lady-hi of Ohio, USA!
Angel_f from Brazil!
This fine example of a Jamie Pose brings us into our 5th continent!
Celebrity Posers
Albert from Germany thinking about stuff.
Ewan McGregor.
Barney...ah wtf's going on with these poses :P
Paul from Liverpool...Giving us this retro style pose.
Princess Leia!
Some incredible green man.
Jerry from Cincinnati giving us this unorthodox pose.
Someone must know who they are...
More to come!
If you have any pics of yourself doing the "Jamie Pose"...Mail them to me along with your name, and location.

Everyone else is doing it...WHY ARENT YOU?!
The 'Jamie' Pose...A subsidary of
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