Club 21-35

The Coliseum in Verona

The rainy streets of Verona

The Olympic ski jump at Innsbruck

The view of Innsbruck from a top the Olympic ski jump

The Olympic rings at the foot of the ski jump

A view across the rushing river waters

Venice, Italy to Verona, Italy to Innsbruck, Austria

Today would be one of the most miserable days on the trip. Rain pelted us as we drove into Verona for a quick stop to see Romeo and Juliet's balcony and the statue of Juliet and her shiny right breast from men rubbing it with their hands. It was said to bring good luck to all men who did so. After viewing the Coliseum there, rainsoaked, we jumped back onto our coach for the drive into Austria.

The rain did finally stop when we got into Innsbruck. We started off by visiting the Olympic Ski Jump high a top a hill. It also provided a perfect view of the small town below, which was literally deep in between the mountains. That might partially have something to do with the freaky weather. We wandered into town to take a look around. It was very reminiscent of Lucerne, which was why many wished we got into town earlier or could stay longer than the one evening and night. By the time we got to our hotel, the Bon Alpina, the rain was back and was just coming down very hard. As a result, our optional horse and buggy ride in the hills before dinner had to be cancelled.

I was then feeling very fatigued and light headed, almost as if I was just suddenly hit with a cold or allergies, possibly due to the freaky weather and the one-day shift from a hot to mild climate. I could even barely taste my dinner, although I was told I didn't miss too much. As a result, I was in bed extra early that night.


Day 10: Innsbruck to Munich to Heidelberg