Mine Mayhem

Mine Mayhem is a DOS version of Minesweeper. In addition to the rectangular field with square tiles, it has hexagonal tiles, and a hexagonal field (screenshot). As well as clearing the minefield, you can also just cross it. There is a wrap-around option, turning the field into a "sphere". Tiles can be opened and/or marked automatically. Custom games are remembered and only limited by resolution. The ten fastest times and ten highest 3BV/s are recorded. Optional sound effects. (View the old PAD file.)

Mine Mayhem 2.90 (383k). Source (111k).
Requirements: 386+, 2MB, VESA 640x480x256, mouse, SB (compatible) for sound.
Win32 version (675k, work-in-progress).

Jason Hood.
4 August, 2007.
