
Delen - DELete ENhanced - is a souped-up version of DEL. It supports extended wildcards and parent directories, as well as date, time and size filters. Files can be excluded from deletion.

Wipe is the same as Delen, but offers secure deletion (view the PAD file).

XRD - eXtended Remove Directory - is the directory equivalent of Delen.

Delen v1.10 (74k), Wipe v2.10 (93k), XRD v3.07 (70k) or all three (237k).
Both DOS (*r.exe) and Win32 (*w.exe) versions are included.
Source for all three (117k, BC3.1/5.5, includes docs).

Best Freeware Download Excellent award Scan report: Wipe is 100% SAFE Forte downloads (all for Wipe.)

These programs were originally written by Vesa Kolhinen. I added LFN and FAT32 support, and the Windows ports.

Jason Hood.
6 September, 2007.
