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Jade's Scrapbook

This is where I keep all the little bits of stuff I have nowhere
else to put, such as unfinished fanfics, digital art, etc.
Note: Most of these fanfics will never be finished...

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Unfinished Voyager Fanfics

Response to Jupiter Station Narrative challenge #158: Write a comedic PG/PG-13 story that takes place soley on the bridge with all senior staff present (1 act) and begins with the words "I need you". J/P

"I need you. More than I've ever needed anyone in my whole life. And I'm not leaving this bridge until you agree to be my wife." 
Tom Paris was kneeling in front of Captain Janeway, her hand in his. He looked into her eyes, kissed her hand... 

The whole bridge erupted in laughter. 

"Well done, Mr. Paris." said Janeway, grinning. "That was quite the proposal." 

"Thank you, Captain." Tom stood up and took a bow. "Now, I believe it's my turn..." 

The bridge crew was playing dares, simply because they had nothing else to do. They were in a long line of other ships, waiting to be tractored out of the spacedock they had been in for the last few days while they had been making repairs and getting in a little shore leave. It would be several hours until their turn, since it took about three minutes to get each ship out, and they were the 47th ship in line. Tom was especially bored because there was nothing at all for him to do at the helm, everything was automated or controlled by the spacedock. So he had suggested the game, and had asked Harry to go first. Of course Harry had promptly thought of his most outrageous dare ever, and had told Tom to propose to Captain Janeway. For at least five minutes. Not one to disappoint, Tom had made a speech containing all the clichés in the book. Though he was still wondering how Harry suddenly had the guts to involve the captain in a dare... 

Tom looked around the room, wondering who his victim should be. He had a burning desire to get back at Harry, but was he really the best choice? And what would Harry come up with to get back at him? No, he decided, he'd have to be more subtle. Well, only slightly... 

"Okay," he said, a huge grin on his face. "I dare Chakotay to make a shipwide announcement that Harry Kim has lost his pet llama Terrence and is searching for it desperately." 

Chakotay looked questioningly at the captain. She grinned and waved a hand. "Why not? The crew could use something to laugh at. No offense, Mr. Kim." 

"None taken Captain." Harry glared at Tom. "Just you wait..." 

Tom grinned and went back to his seat as Chakotay opened a channel. 


"All hands, this is your first officer speaking. I'd like to announce that Ensign Kim has lost his pet llama Terrence, and is searching for it desperately. Any information you have will be most appreciated. Though you may note that Lieutenant Paris asked me to make this announcement, so I'm not one hundred percent sure of the validity of Mr. Kim's request. Chakotay out." he looked up, grinning. "Who wants to be next? Captain, how about you?"

"As long as it doesn't involve llamas, I'm game. What have you got in store for me?" 

"I'm not sure yet...any suggestions?" 

"Make her give over command to Naomi Wildman!" 

"Eat a teaspoonful of salt!" 

"Demote herself to Ensign!" 

"Declare her love for Chakotay!" 

Chakotay and Janeway listened to the various suggestions with smiles on their faces. Apparently a lot of people wanted to see the captain do something crazy, stupid, or just plain weird. 

"Kiss Chakotay!" 

Janeway leaned over to Chakotay. "Looks like we've got quite a fan base..." 

He grinned. "I know. Apparently more or less the whole crew think we would make the perfect couple. They call themselves J/Cers." 

"Really? How interesting..." 

"Yup. Of course it' just a silly fantasy they came up with because they wanted something to gossip about." 

"Of course!" Janeway said, a twinkle in her eye. "Fantasy, nothing more." They shared a grin, as the suggestions continued... 

"Drink a whole bottle of whiskey!" 

"Sing a song!" 

"Swap jobs with Tom Paris!" 

Chakotay was only half-listening to them by then. He had just remembered something from his childhood... 

"Okay Captain..." he said, a grin spreading over his face. "I dare you to get all the way around the bridge without touching the deck."


Inspired by one of Grey-eyed Athena's plotbunnies. J/P

Commander Kathryn Janeway sat at her desk, trying to study. She wasn't having much luck. 
She was waiting for her new roommate to arrive. 


She was beginning to regret telling Admiral Paris that his son could move in right away. They'd never even met, for God's sake! Still, the Admiral's son couldn't be too bad, right? 

She took a sip of coffee, then almost choked on it as she heard the door chime. He wasn't due to arrive yet, surely? It was only - she looked at the clock - 16:00. He was bang on time. 

Response to Jupiter Station Narrative challenge #170: I would like to see a fic where Janeway turns out to be Tom's mom. Weird I know. It can be as AU as you want and preferably angsty for Tom. J/P

Note: This is not to be taken seriously at all! 
Janeway: Vader 
Chakotay: Sidious 
Tom: Luke 
Seven: Leia 
Neelix: 3PO 
Harry: R2 
Tuvok: Yoda 
Doctor: Han Solo 
B'Elanna: Chewie 
Kes: Obi Wan 

Once upon a time, in a quadrant far, far away... 

Tom Paris was sitting peacefully in the mess hall reading his latest letter from his sister. 

"Hi bro! 

Listen, um...don't know how to tell you this...but mom and dad are dead. Sorry, dude. 


Your sis 


Oh no! thought Tom. This is terrible! But wait...this means I have no more emotional ties in the Alpha Quadrant whatsoever! I can finally stop acting like I care about getting home! Yay! 

So he trotted off to the holodeck to race shuttles with his friends. 

* * *
Fwoosh! , went the shuttle, as Tom desperately tired not to crash. 

"We're doomed!" cried Neelix, hiding in a corner as Harry rolled his eyes. 

"No we're not!" said Tom. "Just hold on!" 

The shuttle crashed over the finish line and skidded to a halt. The three of them jumped out just before it exploded. 



"Hey Tom!" The Doctor and B'Elanna sauntered over, the Doctor looking smug. You couldn't tell if B'Elanna was smug or not because for some strange reason her hair was all over her face. "Nyaa nyaa!" said the Doctor. B'Elanna just bellowed like an ape. 

Tom stuck his tongue out and decided to leave the holodeck. "I'll get you back soon!" he called as he left.

* * *

Tom was standing in the turbolift, peacefully riding it up and down and up and down... 

Suddenly Captain Janeway entered. 

"Hi Tom!" she said cheerfully. "Whatch'a doin'?" 

"Erm...I dunno, really..." 

"Really? That's interesting. Computer, deck 47!" 

"Um, Captain?" Tom looked at her. "We don't have a deck 47." 

"Yes we do! I've re-named deck 1! 47's so much nicer a number, don't you think?" 

"Um, sure..." 

The turbolift stopped with a jolt. 

"Janeway to Chakotay. What's going on?" 

"Um...you're stuck." 

"Yep, gathered that much. Why?" 

"Um...I'll get back to you on that one. Chakotay out." 

Janeway sighed. "Come on Tom, we'd better climb the rest of the way." 


"No buts! Now come on!" 

They reached deck 2. 

"Chakotay to Janeway." 

"Janeway here." 

"Um, I'm afraid you're going to be stuck in there for 


Janeway/Picard fic (what can I say, I got a weird desire to write one after I saw them onstage together in Blackpool...)

The turbolift ground to a halt. 
"Computer, resume." said Admiral Janeway impatiently. 

"Unable to comply." came the response. 

Captain Picard tapped his commbadge. "Picard to engineering. Geordi, why is the turbolift malfunctioning?" 

"I have no idea, Captain. I'll get right on it as soon as I've finished running this simulation." 

"Get on it now, if you please." 

"Um, sorry, Captain, but that's not possible. It won't take long though! La Forge out." 

There was an uncomfortable pause. 

"So..." said Janeway, eventually. 

"Indeed." Picard replied stoically. 

Another pause. 

"You know," said Janeway, "this reminds me of an incident on Voyager..." 

"Oh?" Picard raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes. At one point the crew was hell-bent on getting me and Commander Chakotay to be a couple. So, one day, they trapped us both in my ready room, hoping that something would 'spark'. They kept us in there for six hours." 

"And did anything 'spark' between you?" 

"Heavens, no! We ended up having a food fight." 

"I see..." said Picard, a little disapprovingly, it seemed to Janeway. 

"Yes, so, anyway..." she continued self-consciously. "Maybe that's what this is." 

"With all due respect, Captain, I seriously doubt it. My crew has never engaged in such... behaviour." 

"Neither had mine, before that! Well, at least, not much... And Mr. Paris seems to be becoming great friends with some of your crew..." 

"Was it Mr. Paris who was responsible for that incident?" 

"Yes... him and Harry Kim. They got the whole crew involved." 

"I see." 

There was, again, a silence. 

Series Finale fic

Note:  I've been hearing a lot of spoilers about the 7th season, so I thought I'd just write how I'd like them to get home. It also takes into account the spoilers that Paris and Torres are getting married and having a baby, but I'm not gonna write about the actual wedding or anything. This fanfic takes place near the end of the season, when B'Elanna is nine months pregnant. OK? All set? Then let's go, I guess... 

"Once again, everything seems to be in order" The Doctor looked down at B'Elanna. "You shouldn't have to come here again until the happy event." 
"Thank God. I'm getting seriously fed up with this place." 
"Don't forget that you'll spend several hours in here while you're in labour." 
"Don't remind me." She reached for Tom's hand and he helped her off the biobed. "C'mon, let's get to-" 
"Senior officers to the briefing room", came Captain Janeway's voice over the comm. 
"-the briefing room then, I guess. Bye Doc." 
"You know, you really shouldn't be working in your condi-" 
The look she gave him could have burned a hole through a Borg cube. 
"never mind... Have fun with whatever strange phenomenon the Captain's found for us today." The Doctor sighed as the doors hissed shut. Why didn't people ever listen to him...? 

"It's like the ship was disassembled down to the individual atoms, then reassembled, but in the wrong order." Harry Kim leaned forward, his hands clasped in front of him on the table, then stood up and went to the screen on the wall to illustrate his point. He keyed up the picture of the ship they had found. It looked...well, melted, was the best term he could come up with. There were just a lot of what looked like drops of metal. Here and there were a few parts that seemed to be right, a window, a light... 
"Was there anyone onboard?" this came from Neelix, concerned for the people as always. 
"We couldn't find any organic matter, so I don't think so. I hope not, anyway.", he added. 
B'Elanna was studying the screen. "It looks like a transporter malfunction." 
"A transporter big enough for a whole ship?" the Captain looked intrigued. "Who would build such a thing? And why?" 
"It's certainly possible...and a device of such magnitude shouldn't be hard to find. It could be used for a number of things, exploration, beaming a ship behind enemy lines, evacuation, colonization...I'd like to find it, offer some help with getting it working." 
"I do not believe that to be wise, Lieutenant. As you said, there are a number of ways in which to use this device, one of which is waging war. The people who made this device could be hostile." 
"I agree with Tuvok on this, Captain." Chakotay glanced around the table. "It would be looking for trouble." 
"But if we could get it working...it might be a way home." 
"And if we get killed, we'll never get home. I really think it's a bad idea" 
"We would take precautions, of course. Tuvok, how close would we have to get to detect this device?" 
There was a...tingling sensation...almost like a... 
"Was that a transporter?", Captain Janeway demanded. 
"Sure felt like it." Harry rubbed his hands. "Wait...look!" 
There was no need to resort to sensors in order to determine that they had changed position. The view out the windows showed what looked like the inside of a giant space station. 
"Everyone, on the bridge.", the Captain snapped, getting up swiftly and striding onto the bridge, the others following behind her. 
"Where are we?" 
Harry Kim checked his instruments, then looked up in astonishment. "Approximately 5'000 light-years from our former position, Captain." 
"Five thousand..." 
"We're being hailed." 
"On screen" 
An alien appeared on the viewscreen. He was your normal, run-of-the-mill alien, nothing special. He had snow white skin, and yellow eyes. 
"I'm so sorry, we seem to have transported the wrong ship...I'll send you back immediately..." 
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" said Janeway. "If your ship is the one we found, I don't want to end up like that." 
"You found it? What was wrong with it?" 
"I'll send you the data we collected, if you like. How do we get out of here?" 
"Um...you can't." 
"Why not?" 
"There's a problem with the doors..." 
"You seem to be having a lot of problems. Would you like our assistance?" 
"We would greatly appreciate it...but, but I haven't got anything to offer in return..." 


"How about the use of your transporter when it's up and running?" 
"What, you, you mean, sharing, like?" 
"We'd only use it once. To get us a bit closer to home."

"Home? Why, why, where's your home?" 
"Maybe we should meet" the Captain suggested. "I'd be happy to tell you all about us." 
"Um, OK...I'll beam you over." 
"I think we'll use our own transporters, if that's all right with you..." 
"Yes, yes, of course! I'll send you the co-ordinates..."

Five minutes later Janeway, Tuvok, Seven, Torres and Neelix were sitting in the alien's conference room, along with three of the aliens; Gnoc, the man they had spoken with ealier and commander of the station; Nelra, his chief engineer, and Iamk, head of security. 
"Why did you build this thing, anyway?" asked Torres. 
Gnoc sighed. "We're going to evacuate our planet. We've been at war with the Gaffi for decades, and it looks like they're finally winning. We're putting our last resources into this transporter. If it doesn't work, we'll become extinct. So far the Gaffi haven't found out about it, but the longer it takes, the bigger the risk..." 
"Don't worry, we'll help you get up and running" said the Captain. "I suggest our engineers work together on your station. B'Elanna?" 
"It's fine by me." 
"Then I suggest you get started right away. Gnoc?" 
"Yes, yes, the sooner the better." 
"Go on then, off you go..." 
B'Elanna followed Nelra out of the room and through the huge corridors. This place is big, she thought. Well, it would have to be, to hold several ships at once. She marveled at the inginuety of it all... 
"This is our main engineering room" said Nelra. "It's where most of the actual work is done" 
"Great! Can I see your calculations for the last transport?" 
Nelra didn't answer. 
"Oh, sorry!" Nelra blushed. "It's just...I was wondering why your stomach bulges so" 
"I'm pregnant" 
"Excuse me?" 
"I'm going to have a baby! Now can we please get on with this?" 
"Are you having problems laying your eggs?" 
"Look", said B'Elanna, exasperated, "Humans don't lay eggs, and we're never going to get anything done if you go on like this! I'm sure the Doctor will be more than happy to discuss it with you when we've got your transporter working. Where do you keep records of the transports?" 
"Sorry...Over here..." 
And so they got to work. 

"And this is the main control center..." 
Gnoc was showing Captain Janeway round the station. She was impressed. These people had done a lot with what little they had. "What kind of range does this thing have?" she asked. 
"We're not certain, but we estimate about 50'000 lightyears" 
"Really? But that's enough to cross half the galaxy!" 
"Yes, that is the point. We have to get as far away from the Gaffi as possible." 
Janeway was astonished. "But you could end up somewhere even worse!" she exclaimed. "Vidiian space, Kazon space, Borg space. You could end up in the middle of some war!" 
Gnoc looked concerned. "Could you, perhaps, recommend somewhere?" 
Janeway thought for a moment. "Well, I suppose the best solution would be for you to come with us to the Alpha Quadrant." 
"Really?" said Gnoc, uncertain. "Would we be welcome?" 
Janeway shrugged. "Of course." 
"But, but isn't it too far?" 
"Not with your transporter." She smiled. "It's a mere 30'000 lightyears." 
She watched his smile grow too. Yes, she decided, this would be well worth the hard work... 

"B'Elanna, wait!" Tom ran down the coridor, trying to catch her up. "What do you think you're doing?" 
"I'm working", she replied, not stopping. He caught up with her and put his hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. "B'Elanna, working on the ship is different to working on the station!" 
"How is it different?" 
"Away missions are dangerous!" 
"Well this one isn't, OK?" 
"You don't know that." 
"Look, I'll be fine, really." 
Tom sighed,looked down at his feet and back up. He wasn't going to win this argument. "Promise?" 
"Promise." she kissed him lightly. "Now stop worrying! We could be back on Earth soon." 



The Year of Hell, but slightly different
This is a fanfic about the year of hell. Or rather, some parts of the year of hell which should've happened. You see, in my opinion, they should've written Roxann Dawson's pregnancy in. And maybe then they could've done this... 

"Computer, halt turbolift", said B'Elanna as she turned to face Tom. 
"B'Elanna, what are you doing?" Tom looked at her quizzically. "We have to get to the bridge!" 
"I need to tell you something." 
"In the middle of a Krenim attack?!" As if to prove his point, the ship rocked as another torpedo hit. 
"Please, it's important." 
Tom sighed. "Fine, but make it quick." 
"OK, um..." she took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." 
"What?!" Had she really said...? 
"I'm pregnant, OK? Computer, resume." 
"You-...but-...wha-...?" The doors opened. B'Elanna stepped out onto the bridge, which was a mess, just like it had been for the past two months. Tom followed more slowly, still not quite taking it in... 

"Where have you been? We were beginning to worry." Captain Janeway turned around in her chair to look at him, but quickly turned back when a chroniton torpedo hit, almost throwing her out of her chair. "Well, you're here now, anyway. Tuvok, have we got phasers back yet?" 

"And we don't have any photon torpedoes we'd forgotten about?" 
"Negative, Captain" 
"What if we sent a shuttle out there and activated the self-destruct?" 
"The shuttle would have to get within 800 meters in order for the explosion to be sufficient." 
"I think we could manage that. Have a shuttle prepared." The bridge shook as yet another torpedo collided with the hull. "In the meantime, evasive maneuvers." 
"Aye, Captain." Tom tried to concentrate on his console, but he kept glancing at B'Elanna, who seemed to have totally forgotten their conversation...Until he was thrown out of his chair by another explosion. 
"The shuttle is ready, Captain." 
"Then let's launch it!" The shuttle headed straight for the Krenim ship...And exploded just before it was hit by a stray chroniton torpedo. 
"The Krenim ship has been disabled." 
"Tom, get us out of here, full speed." 
Tom complied, then leant back and started to go through the events of the past few minutes again. 
"And then you'd better let the Doctor see to your injury." 
"Injury?" Tom felt his forehead, and was surprised to see blood on his fingers. "Yeah, um, I guess..." He stood up, then, with one last glance at B'Elanna, headed back toward the turbolift. 

"Been playing rough and tumble again, Mr. Paris?" asked the Doctor as he treated Tom's forehead. 
"More like 'running away from the Krenim', actually." 


(two pics I made for a fic I'm writing with Blue Mercury Girl...)

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