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Random Thoughts of a Disturbed Mind
Leak in the CIA

So... This poor agent's name was leaked to the media..... The agent happened to be married to an ambassordor... EVERYONE'S UP IN ARMS!!!

The first question I'd ask myself (if I were you)  is just exactly why this agent is married to an ambassodor... one more way for the CIA to get their agents into foreign countires?  Maybe the CIA wants to keep a close eye on the ambassodor?

The second question I'd ask myself (if I were you) is what exactly was this CIA agent working on at the time... Or what was the spouse working on at the time... Did they not do it like they were suppossed to?  Did they refuse to do something?  Did someone decide to threatent the ambassordor by exposing his spouse to show just what kind of power they had? 

The third question I'd ask myself (if I were you) is what this will mean to the media... OH NO!!! THE MEDIA HAS PUBLISHED THE NAME OF SOME CIA OPERATIVE!!! WE MUST PASS MORE RESTRICTIONS ON THE MEDIA AND GAIN CONTROL OF THEM!!! (Geez... isn't controlling CNN:  America's Most Trusted News Network enough?  When the investigation is all done in over with... I can't wait to see what shnazzy legislation they'll come up with.

The fourth question I'd ask myself (if I were you) is why the finger is Ashcroft is involved in this... Is someone trying to discredit him to put in someone more favorable... Or is he hoping to spin our opinion his way since this is "such a big deal".

The fifth question I'd ask myself (if I were you) is why the we should actually care.  While we're so busy following this story... Or the latest news on Saddam... What are we not seeing... What are they trying to draw our attention away from?