


1. ________ are the protons and neutrons which compose the _______ of an atom.

2. Normally the number of _______ and ________ of an atom are _____ to each other. But occasionally the number of protons and neutrons ______ from each other.

3. The various numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms is referred to as being the ________ of that atom.

4. All the different combinations of unequal numbers of protons and neutrons are called ________.

5. There are about _,___ known nuclides. Of these, __% are ______ and __% are ________.

6. An ________ _______ is one which seeks stability by giving off _______, ________, or _________.

7. A ______ _______ does not seek stability by giving off protons, neutrons, or electrons.

8. Normally an atom is ______ when it has an equal number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

9. Unstable isotopes become more stable by ________ protons, neutrons, or electrons.

10. The process of ejecting protons, neutrons, or electrons is called ___________ _____.

11. There are three kinds of radiation: _____, ____, and _____.

12. _____ radiation is when the atom radiates (ejects) 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

13. ______ has a nucleus composed on 2 protons and 2 neutrons, so in alpha radiation the atom radiates one ______ _______.

14. Since protons have a ________ charge and neutrons are _______, alpha radiation has a ________ electrical charge.

15. Beta radiation is when the atom radiates a _______ and an ________.

16. Since neutrons have __ electrical charge and electrons have a ________ electrical charge, beta radiation has a ________ __________ ______.

17. Gamma radiation is ______________ _________ (a form of _____).

18. Gamma radiation is the most _________ form of nuclear radiation.

19. Gamma radiation has enough energy to penetrate ____.

20. Gamma radiation can alter the _______ ____ of living organisms, resulting in _______ _______ and ______.

21. ____ radiation is less damaging than gamma radiation, but it can penetrate thin sheets of _____.

22. _____ radiation is the least damaging form of radiation. It cannot even penetrate a thin _____ __ _____.

23. Radiation cannot be seen, but it can be ________ in several ways.

24. Another way that radiation can be detected is by a ______ ____, which is often called a ______ _______.

25. The ______ ____ is filled with gas which becomes converted to ____ whenever radiation strikes it. An ________ _______ flows through the Geiger tube, and if more ions are present, there are bursts of additional electricity which are converted into ________ ______.

26. The atomic mass of an atom is approximately equal to the number of _______ plus the number of ________ in the nucleus of an atom. 27. The number of _______ in the nucleus determines what that atom is.

28. Any atom having 6 protons is ______.

29. Any atom having 7 protons is ________.

30. Any atom having one proton is ________.

31. Any atom having 2 protons is ______,

32. Any atom having 8 protons is ______.

33. The isotopes of an atom are the various ____________ of _______ and ________.

34. Included in the isotopes of an atom is the ______ form in which the number of protons and neutrons are _____.

35. Carbon 12 is the ______ _______ of carbon whose nucleus contains 6 _______ and 6 ________.

36. Carbon 13 is an ________ isotope of carbon whose nucleus contains 6 _______ and 7 ________.

37. The number which appears after the element name is the atomic ____ number.

38. Carbon can only be carbon if it has 6 _______ in its nucleus. If it had 7, it would be ________. If it had 5, it would be _____.

39. If the number of _______ in the nucleus changes, the element becomes a _________ element. If, however, the number of ________ changes, the element becomes a different _______ of the ____ element.

40. Isotopes of elements with more ________ than _______ are always ___________.

41. Hydrogen 3 has one ______ and 2 ________. This isotope of hydrogen is called _______. and is the isotope of hydrogen used to make _____ _______.

42. Isotopes of elements with more protons than neutrons are only _________ radioactive.

43. Most elements with high ______ ____ _______ have radioactive isotopes.

44. Since the atomic number of uranium is 92, this means that it has ___ neutrons in its nucleus.

45. When uranium 238 undergoes radioactive decay, it gives off an _____ particle. Since an alpha particle is composed of 2 _______ and 2 ________, the loss of the two protons changes the atomic number to 90. This makes uranium become _______, because _______ is the element with an atomic number of 90.

46. If an isotope is radioactive, it is called a ____________. An example of a ____________ is __________ __.

47. Phosphorus 31 is used in small amounts by plants and animals. If you substitute phosphorus __ for 31, the ____ that phosphorus 32 takes in the _____ or ______ can be followed by using device like a ______ _______.

48. The replacement of a ______ isotope with a ____________ for the purpose of following the pathway taken by the element is called _______.

49. The rate of radioactive decay is described by the term ____-____.

50. ____-____ refers to the time required for half of the nuclei in a sample of radioisotope to _____.

51. The ____-____ of carbon 14 is _,___ years.

52. A ten gram sample of carbon 14 will become a 5 gram sample in _,___ years. This 5 gram sample will become a _._ gram sample in another _,___ years. This 2.5 gram sample will become a _.__ gram sample in another _,___ years.

53. It is know that the percent of ______ __ in living organisms is equal to the percent of ______ __ in the __________.

54. If a once living thing has remains which contain only half this amount, then these remains are _,___ years old. Through this technique, ______ __ is used to date the remains of ____ ______ ______. This process is called "______ ______."

55. Uranium 238 has a half-life of _._ _______ years. It can be used to date the formation of _________ things such as _____.

Isotopes Notes