Anzenchitai Concert Tour 2002

[Part 1] [Part 1] [Part 3]

Part 3

--------- The Good: ---------
Well, overall, the concerts were really good. I probably won't get a row-1 seat ever. Row 1 (center), was actually a little too close, though. I couldn't see Yuji at all! Koji blocked my view. ;-)

I was told that in the first several shows, the sound quality wasn't that good. A lot of distorted sounds. But by the time they got to Tokyo, the sounds were good. Not too loud, not too quiet, no howling or distorted sounds. Lighting was just great.

The songs they played were really well chosen. I think they covered most of the albums, if not the time. For example, "We're Alive" is not in the first album but it's close enough.

"Good evening, we're Anzenchitai" was so emotional for me. Yes, I do admit that Yutaka isn't there so it's not quite 100% but I still was moved by the fact that Anzenchitai is resuming their work. I've waited for so long for this.

-------- The Bad --------
Of course, it was a shame that Yutaka couldn't make it. There were a lot of places where it's evident we missed Yutaka. Being an Anzenchitai fan myself, Anzenchitai is not complete without him. But that (four of them plus two) is the best they could do at the time, and I was willing to embrace them as is. I wish for fast and complete recovery. I've been told that they are already talking about next year's tour, so hey, maybe there's another tour in the horizon, and Yutaka may be back by then. I sure hope so.

And on several of the songs, I missed some of the choruses I used to hear on the album. Don't know why they didn't sing some of the chorus parts... I was a little disappointed about that.

--------- The Ugly ---------
Luckily, I didn't have to experience them in Tokyo, but in some other locations, some people were yelling "sit down!!!!" to some people, and at one time, Koji had to stop the concert and talk about it just to keep everybody quiet. I do understand the frustration in seeing someone in front of you stand up, and I know some people cannot stand up for one reason or another, but yelling and disturbing a concert is just not acceptable.
(On another occassion, someone pulled my friend's shirt from the back, nudging her to sit down)

------- To wrap it up -------
They want to do Anzenchitai for another 10 years, according to Koji. That's a great news. That means we fans get to enjoy their music for a long time.

Again, on a side note. I guess Cecilia and I were at the same concert (Cecilia wrote that she went to the Tokyo concert on Wednesday, so I'm assuming that was the 20th).

Is anybody reading this? It seems like I just went on and on....well, I wish you all the very best for the holidays and the new year.

best regards

[Part 1] [Part 1] [Part 3]

Written by Terry Mihashi
Organized by Kelvin Tsang
Last update: January 14, 2003
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