The 'Bring Back IAK Petition'

It's a Knockout has not been broadcast since 1993, and it's return is long overdue! Please sign the petition so that this important issue can be brought to the attention of television programmers! Tell your friends to help out too!

Your comments will be compiled with those from other fans, printed out and posted to various television stations. Channel 10 will be the first target, as they were the original broadcasters of It's a Knockout.

Please state your comments clearly and in detail, perhaps suggesting how you would watch the show if it were broadcast, and how much you want it to come back.
Your name: (Your first name may be forwarded)

Your e-mail address: (your e-mail address will not be given by us to anybody)

Your location:

If It's a Knockout were to be re-broadcast, would you watch it?

Would you like to have your name added to The It's a Knockout Web's e-mail mailing list? (Newsletters come out every two months or so, and detail updates to the website and It's a Knockout news).

Your comments for the TV stations: (These will be forwarded, so make them good!)